Delphi has a well developed command line build process (via MSBuild) for Windows projects. After the introduction of FireMonkey, MSBuild was altered to allow users to build non-Win projects. After you build a project, if you want to deploy it to plat…
建立自己profile路径应该在/Users/yourname/,最后要运行. ./.profile使文件生效,和windows中给添加环境变量是一个道理,还可以看出linux和UNIX默认运行路径为 export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH.另外默认未修改用户可用mysql -uroot -proot -P3306进行登录. If you have MAMP installed on your Mac OS X box, you're…
Happy New Year! Delphi XE5 Update 2 Recent VCL enhancements New product features for old product users reFind for search/replace with PCRE Mobile coding topics DEP & ASLR in Windows projects Delphi XE5 Update 2 If you're a user of Delphi XE5 or RAD S…
Android Studio中出现提示: Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (eg. editing, debugging) will not work properly 如图: [解决过程] 1.点击了: Show Log in Explorer 打开找到了log文件: C:\Users\Administrator\.AndroidStudio\system\log\idea.log Log文件内容很长,最后一部分是: ? 1 2…
1. Creating a project From the command line, cd into a directory where you'd like to store your code, then run the following command: $ django-admin startproject mysite Let's look at what startproject created: mysite/ mysite/ se…
Delphi10.2 项目的构成(File Extensions of Files Generated by RAD Studio) Step1.打开 Delphi10.2,选择[File | New | VCL Forms Application - Delphi],创建一个 Delphi 应用程序: Step2.选择[File | Save All],将我们的默认Delphi程序保存到一个独立的文件夹(例如 F:\Delphi10.2\First)中: Step3.在 Project Man…
Developing on Windows Phone 8 Devices Contents Build and Deploy Applications to Device Debugging Device Builds Build and Deploy Applications to Device Before deployin…