在前一篇中,由于不懂jquery,前端做的太差了,今天做稍做修改,增加一个跳转到指定页面功能,表格行点击样式变化.并且在表格中加入bootstarp的按钮组,按钮点击后弹出模态框,须修改common,contorler,view. 在common中添加一个方法重载,以展示按钮组,另外还加了一个隐藏的Id列,需要增加两个参数,一个指定按钮的bootstarp样式,另一个数组指定按钮的名称 修改后的代码如下 using System.Collections.Generic; using System…
PS:如果图片模糊,鼠标右击复制图片网址,然后在浏览器中打开即可. 一.测试仓储层.业务层是否能实现对数据库表的操作 1.在52MVCBlog.IRepository程序集下创建IsysUserInfoRepository接口来继承IBaseRepository父接口 IsysUserInfoRepository接口代码: using _52MVCBlog.IRepository.Base; using _52MVCBlog.Model.Models; using System; using S…
1.安装Autofac 在Package Manager Console执行如下命令: Install-Package AutofacInstall-Package Autofac.Mvc5 2.追加Model(Models.Movie) using System.Data.Entity; namespace FirstDenpendencyInjection.Models { public class Movie { public int Id { get; set; } public str…
Currently, in the both the Web API and MVC frameworks, dependency injection support does not come into play until after the OWIN pipeline has started executing. This is simply a result of the OWIN support being added to both frameworks after their in…
通过Dll实现全部类的属性注入,该演示实例主要通过多层架构中单一的对象方式来演示,没有采取接口的方式, 新建AutoFacHelper类,如下代码: public class AutoFacHelper { private static IContainer _container; public static void InitAutofac() { var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); //注册数据库基础操作和工作单元 //注册app层 builder.R…
1.winform用法: nuget安装autofac public interface ILog { bool Log(string msg); } public class TXTLogger : ILog { public bool Log(string msg) { Console.WriteLine(msg + " saved in file log.log"); return true; } } public class DBLogger : ILog { public b…