How to generate a new dictionary file of mmseg 0.Usage about mmseg-node memtioned in github : var mmseg = require("mmseg"); var q ='/usr/local/etc/'); console.log(q.segmentSync("我是中文分词")); #"/usr/local/etc" is dir…
这篇介绍使用Logminer时遇到ORA-01336: specified dictionary file cannot be opened错误的各种场景 1:dictionary_location参数的路径最后多了一个/符号. SQL>  show parameter utl_file_dir;   NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE ------------------------------------ ------…
#!/usr/bin/perl -w $e911_call_percent = 0.0; $ims_node_number = 12; $local_ip = ""; $local_port_base = 18000; $media_port_base = 19000; $SIPP_BIN="/home/lss/QCBCb/bin/sipp"; $SCRIPT_DIR="../xml"; $DATA_DIR="./d…
本文转自: Update: A new version of the code described in this article is available in T4 Toolbox. For details, clickhere. Overview For some code generation tasks, th…
File类是java.io包下代表与平台无关的文件和目录,也就是说,如果希望在程序中操作文件和目录,都可以通过File类来完成.值得指出的是,不管是文件还是目录都是使用File来操作的,File能新建.删除.重命名文件和目录,File不能访问文件内容本身.如果需要访问文件内容本身,则需要使用输入/输出流. File类相关的方法参考链接: Field Summary Fie…
What is a programming language? Before introducing compilation and decompilation, let's briefly introduce the Programming Language. Programming languages ​​are divided into low-level languages ​​and high-level languages. Machine language and assembly…
Creating disk space usage quotas: File Screening Generate Storage Report, including file edit audit. You can configure a scheduled report here.…
参考文章: 对上面链接的补充: solr-5.5.0版本已被删除,新url: 下面是数据库的创建语句: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `b41sgk`; CREATE TABLE `b41sgk` ( `id` bigint() NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,…
This article discusses setting up up an integrated IPSec/L2TP VPN using Radius and integrating it with Microsoft Windows clients. Introduction and Planning The software installed is going to be based on Debian packages as far as it is possible. If we…
Kali2.0系统自带的WiFite脚本代码中有几行错误,以下是修正后的代码: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ wifite author: derv82 at gmail author: bwall @botnet_hunter ( author: drone @dronesec ( Thanks to everyone that…