Download the build agent Downloading the build agent is really simple. Navigate to your TFS control panel, click on Agent pools and then Download agent. This post will assume you have setup your agent pool already but that's as simple as click New po…
Setting up a EDK II build environment on Windows and Linux:搭建Windows和Linux开发环境[2.2] 2015-07 北京海淀区 张俊浩 2. Setting Up EDKII Development Environment(EDKII开发环境的搭建) ->2.1The General Procedure Of Setting Up EDKII Development Environment(搭建EDKII项目的通用流程)…
来源: Recently we've been getting the following error for our TFS build agents which caused all our builds to fail Figure: TFS Builds are fail…
Qemu搭建ARM vexpress开发环境(二)----通过u-boot启动Linux内核 标签(空格分隔): Qemu ARM Linux 在上文<Qemu搭建ARM vexpress开发环境(一)>中已经简单讲述了通过Qemu模拟直接启动Linux内核,并挂在SD卡根文件系统的方法,这种方法是直接启动内核,与实际应用中ARM板的启动方式:u-boot.kernel.rootfs有些不同.现在就来讲述下通过Qemu搭建通过u-boot启动Linux内核并挂载根文件系统的方法. 1. 开发环…