Install opencv on Centos】的更多相关文章

研究centos 有很长一段时间了,一直没有写过这方面的感觉,今天在看到网友的一篇文章时,结合亲身体会就下面安装opencv的一些步骤与大家共享. CentOS OpenCV已被广泛应用但是也在不断的更新,这里介绍CentOS OpenCV安装设置使用,帮助大家安装更新CentOS OpenCV系统.如何在Linux下編譯CentOS OpenCV? (OS) (Linux) (CentOS) (Image Processing) (C/C++)AbstractCentOS OpenCV是一個C…
PostedDecember 4, 2014 453.8kviews JAVA CENTOS FEDORA   Introduction This tutorial will show you how to install Java on CentOS 7 (also 5, 6, 6.5), Fedora 20, and RHEL. Java is a popular software platform that allows you to run Java applications and a…
Install Redis on CentOS 6.4 source: We’re provisioning production machines today! This means that I’m finding a lot of things that I did previously to make my life easier. We use Redis…
Install ssdb-rocks on CentOS 6 C.C.  发表于 2014年08月10日 20:14 | Hits: 649 为了优化节操精选的弹幕系统,打算更换到Facebook的RocksDB测试,为了支持多台Web Server的场景,打算直接上ssdb-rocks来完成目的,如果有这个需求的朋友还遇到过坑,可以参考一下步骤: RocksDB需要的依赖 yum install zlib zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel gflags gflags-d… The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. Read More This…
How to install MP4box on CentOS 6 MP4Box is a MP4 multiplexer. It can import MPEG-4 video, DivX, XviD, 3ivx, h264 etc, audio streams and subtitles into the .mp4 container. The end result is a compliant MP4 stream. It can also extract streams from a .…
博主之前写过一篇文章<html5与EmguCV前后端实现——人脸识别篇>,叙述的是opencv和C#的故事.最近在公司服务器上更新了一套nodejs环境,早就听闻npm上有opencv模块,便欲部署之.然而opencv的部署似乎从来都不会那么顺利...... 找模块上  (在大天朝请自行加点FQ技能!)搜索opencv,一眼就知道该用peter桑的模块了... 然后点进去,似乎也很美好! 然而,你要是windows的操作系统,你试试吧. $ npm…
Introduction Install OpenCV and its dependence ! STEPs 1, compiler sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall cmake sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel 2,Install gstreamer sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10-dev gstreame… As I mentioned last week, OpenCV 3.0 is finally here! And if you’ve been paying attention to my Twitter stream, you may have noticed a bunch of tweets regarding install…
为了防止原文消失或者被墙,转载留个底,最好还是去看原贴,因为随着版本变化,原贴是有人维护升级的 Last week we kicked-off the opencv 3.0 install fest by detailing how to install OpenCV 3.0 and Python 2.7+ on the OSX…