在日常的Java代码开发过程中,很难免地有对多线程的需求,掌握java多线程和并发的机制也是Java程序员写出更健壮和高效代码的基础.笔者找寻国内已出版的关于Java多线程和并发的的中文书籍和翻译书籍,大家一致推荐的是<Java Concurrency in Practice>,笔者暂时还没有看英文原版,笔者看的是它的翻译版<Java并发编程实战>,笔者读起来感觉并不通畅,不知道是翻译的问题还是原版本来就写得不够流畅,同时感觉知识的深度也超过了入门的需求. 笔者在机缘巧合之下,发现…
NHibernate.3.0.Cookbook第一章第六节Handling versioning and concurrency的翻译 第一章第二节Mapping a class with XML第一章第三节Creating class hierarchy mappings第一章第四节Mapping a one-to-many relationship第一章第五节Setting up a base entity class Handling versioning and concurrenc…
https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/07/java-ee-concurrency-api-tutorial.html This is a sample chapter taken from the Practical Java EE 7 development on WildFlybook edited by Francesco Marchioni. This chapter discusses about the new Java EE Concurrency…
Threads and Executors Welcome to the first part of my Java 8 Concurrency tutorial. This guide teaches you concurrent programming in Java 8 with easily understood code examples. It's the first part out of a series of tutorials covering the Java Concur…