[OrangePi] If you are using an older image】的更多相关文章

Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz from Mega, unpack. Copy uImage_OPI-2 or uImage_OPI-PLUS (depending on your board type) to uImage on SD Card FAT partition Copy one of the script.bin.OPI-XXXX (depending on your board type and desired monitor resolutio…
当在安装tar源码包的时候出现以下报错如何解决? [root@jieniruyan gst-fluendo-mp3-]# ./configurechecking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -cchecking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!Che…
You can try to build Debian/Ubuntu for OrangePI yourself. Clone my GitHub repository. You will need running Ubuntu or Debian system (you can even run it on OrangePI). Before running the script install debootstrap and qemu-user-static packages. Read c…
boot0_sdcard.fex, u-boot.fex and kernel (uImage) created from sources kernel built with many features enabled (btrfs, USB serial adapters, bluetooth, hdmi sound, nfsd ...) CPU runs at 1.53GHz, termal management adjusted so that all 4 cores are active…
最近入手OrangePi Zero一块,程序上需要使用板子上自带的LED灯,在网上一查,不得不说OPi的支持跟树莓派无法相比.自己摸索了一下,实现简单的GPIO控制方法,作者的Zero安装的是Armbian系统,使用python写了一个读写寄存器的简单模块,通过这个模块,即可实现对GPIO的控制. 作者以前使用过STM32的MCU,这类MCU,如果要实现对GPIO的控制,只需要根据datasheet查找相应GPIO寄存器并进行配置,即可实现IO控制,例如,要将内存地址为0x12345678的寄存…
使用 conda update anaconda 升级后,运行程序得到如下提示: ImportError: pycurl: libcurl link-time version (7.45.0) is older than compile-time version (7.52.1) 网上查解决办法,如下: pip uninstall pycurl export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl pip install pycurl 实际中,执行两次 pip uninstall…
设非负严格增加函数 $f$ 在区间 $[a,b]$ 上连续, 有积分中值定理, 对于每个 $p>0$ 存在唯一的 $x_p\in (a,b)$, 使 $$\bex f^p(x_p)=\cfrac{1}{b-a}\int_a^b f^p(t)\rd t. \eex$$ 试求 $\dps{\vlm{p}x_p}$. 解答: 由 H\"older 不等式, $$\beex \bea f^p(x_p)&=\cfrac{1}{b-a}\int_a^b f^p(t)\cdot 1\rd t\\…
前两天买了一块orangepi one开发板,目的是做个局域网共享目录,具体共享协议用samba:这块板子有两个网卡,一个有线一个无线:有线主要用来ssh登陆调试,修改配置. 首先下载armbian的镜像,烧写到SD卡中,上电用SD卡启动板子,用网线直连路由器,这样便可知道DHCP获取到的IP,之后便可用ssh登陆板子做一些配置了:armbian初始化用户名和密码为root,1234. 要顺利的配置下去,要确保路由器能连上网:以下进入正题. 一.软件安装: apt-get install hos…
Older Versions Of Eclipse Need help with older versions of Eclipse? LTS Request The following are links to older Simultaneous Release packages distributed by the Eclipse Foundation and the correlated Eclipse Platform version number. Eclipse Europa Pa…
转载 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10206090/how-to-install-an-older-version-of-package-via-nuget ry the following: Uninstall-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Force followed by: Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Version <press tab key for autocomplete> twi…
之前我写过QT5.9版本在更新组件时出现“要继续此操作,至少需要一个有效且已启用的储存库”问题,得到了网友的热心转载,说明遇到此问题的人不在少数. 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_20515461/article/details/84850546 新浪:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8564b95d0102ybpz.html 更新之后,其实这个问题不会再遇到,首先MaintenanceTool.exe这个插件不再像之前那么隐蔽,QT为其…
Older People Needed Less Sleep ?老年人要睡得少 ? ①The popular notion that older people need less sleep than youngster adults is a myth,scientists said yesterday. ②While elderly people tend to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger,this h…
在linux下安装软件包的时候,有时候提示 configure: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!Check your system clock 出现此编译错误,请检查你的系统时间是否设置有误... 查看硬件日期时间 hwclock -show linux是每隔一段时间将系统时间写入 硬件bois的 如果刚设置完了就关机,开机后时间还是等于没有设置 # date -s 991128 Sun Nov 28 00:0…
原文链接可能失效. This post is old but will remain on the front page for the time being. 140313. Jeff Jenkins posted these questions and others recently at Ask Hacker News: What happens to older developers? Is there a plateau in pay? Is there a drop in pay s…
内核编译时出现错误 Makefile.ssl is older than Makefile.org. Reconfigure the source tree (via './config' or 'perl Configure'), please. 解决办法: touch make* ./config make 若权限不允许,则执行命令 config…
go语言(golang)简化了跨平台交叉编译步骤,支持在windows系统下交叉编译基于arm+linux平台的应用,运行时无需其它依赖库.以下以一个简单的http server为例,先上源码: ************************************************************ package main import( "net/http" ) funcmain(){ http.Handle("/",http.FileServe…
题目:Proteomes of paired human cerebrospinal fluid and plasma: Relation to blood-brain barrier permeability in older adults 期刊:Journal of Proteome Research 发表时间:31 Jan 2019 IF:4.173 DOI:10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00809 分享人:潘火珍 概述 本文选取120名老年人(48名正常者,72名轻度认…
一.安装系统 所需材料:系统镜像文件.镜像烧录工具.至少2G的内存卡(推荐8G以上).读卡器 1.下载系统镜像 官方系统下载地址,由于官方系统更新截止到17年,所以我选择的是Armbian系统.下载地址 (Stretch和Bionic的区别在于前者基于Debian系统,后者基于Ubuntu系统,两者差距不大) 下载完成后解压出.img文件准备烧写 2.下载镜像烧录工具 这里选用的是Win32 Disk Imager 下载地址 下载完成后需安装 3.写入镜像 打开Win32 Disk Imager…
首先需要创建一个文件,执行以下命令,自动打开空白文件,在里面编辑内容即可 sudo gedit /etc/init.d/tightvncserver 把以下内容粘贴进去,然后点击保存即可. #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: tightvncserver # Required-Start: $local_fs # Required-Stop: $local_fs # Default-Start: # Default-Stop: # Short-De…
图片特意缩小,看不清请打开另一个窗口查看原图. 第一步:烧录系统,我烧录的是Ubuntu_Desktop[请注意!!!!用户名是错的!!用户名是错的!!用户名是错的!!] 正确的用户名是orangepi 密码也是orangepi 这官方坑人不浅哪!!! 第二步:开始烧录,下载完打开文件就会有以下几个压缩包,解压desktop这个压缩包. 接着:再解压img.xz文件,这个就是镜像文件的压缩包 解压完镜像文件img.xz之后如下:这个就是我们要的镜像文件 接下来我们需要下载Win32DiskIma…
Hi, This is quick tutorial: how to install Auto Cad scripts to be able to copy from newer Auto Cad to older 3ds Max. (eg. Auto Cad 2018 -> 3ds Max 2016 or older) It happens when using Copy Paste DWG script - you may get this error message (see below)…
感谢网上资料和个人的不放弃,终于方便的解决了香橙派 OrangePi Zero用python获取dht11温湿度的问题. 网上关于香橙派的资料比起树莓派真是少之又少,现在香橙派zero能干的活暂时也只有这些,负载非常轻,以后想到新的活再让他干. 最近准备入手树莓派,因为在查阅香橙派资料过程中发现树莓派的资料好多,用起来感觉会顺利很多. 介绍 我的OrangePi Zero是H2+ CPU和512M内存的配置,本例应该可以在H3的CPU和256M内存的版本上. 此款开发板可以装linux,同时这个…
You can also boot from USB drive partition. The file named cmdline.txt must exist on BOOT (fat) partition on sd card or emmc. The content of that file must be: root=/dev/sdXn, where /dev/sdXn is the USB drive partition (as visible from OPI) to which…
Boot your Orange PI board from EMMC without SD Card inserted login insert your SD Card Run: sudo install_to_sdcard [btrfs] Copy the Code Your emmc Linux installation will be transfered to SD Card You can boot from that SD Card on another or the same…
Install the image on SD Card as described above Boot your Orange PI board from SD Card Run: sudo install_to_emmc Copy the Code Power off the board. Remove SD Card Power on, the board will boot from EMMC You don't have to resize SD Card before install…
Download any of the available images (xz archive) from Mega or GoogleDrive Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz, it contains the latest kernel (uImage) and script.bin Unpack the archive. Write the xxx.img file (disk image) to your SD Card on Linux use dd…
4 down vote accepted This is easy enough (although note that this goes by a modification time more than 3 days ago since a creation time is only available on certain filesystems with special tools): find /a/b/c/1 /a/b/c/2 -type f -mtime +3 #-delete R…
http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3322 可以看样例猜题意的水题. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int t; cin>>t; while(t--) { int a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3; cin>>a1>>a2>>a3>>b1>>b2&g…
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp 读取这个文件可返回CPU温度,我看网上的说法说是要除以1000才是温度,但我这返回的数字是41...…
遇到过插入耳机后没有声音,解决步骤如下: 打开终端TERMINAL(LUBUNTU按CTRL+ALT+T,MATE选SYSTERM ADMINSTRATION-MATER TERMINAL),SSH登陆免去上面步骤. 2.输入alsamixer按回车,然后按F6选audiocodec回车然后按5次向右方向键跳到audio lineout后按m键,出现mm mm mm oo后关闭窗口退出. 插上耳机或音箱播放音乐. 以上步骤对大部分情况有效. 另外需要注意的是所谓的耳机孔其实是带视频输出的.因此需…