Error 2147943712 during task creation】的更多相关文章

In a Windows 2008 server, when you confirm the creation of a new task, you may obtain the following error: An error has occurred for task . Error message: The following error was reported: 2147943712. This error message occurs when Windows was unable…
If an error occurs, the Task Scheduler APIs can return one of the following error codes as an HRESULT value. The constants that begin with SCHED_S_ are success constants, and the constants that begin with SCHED_E_ are error constants. Note  Some Task… Hi I am having an issue with the Task Scheduler API in my QT C++ program. I used the example code for a logon trigger here. The first error I got was CoI…
1. 什么是Task? 在前面的章节里描写叙述过几个角色,Driver(Client),Master,Worker(Executor),Driver会提交Application到Master进行Worker上的Executor上的调度,显然这些都不是Task. Spark上的几个关系能够这样理解: Application: Application是Driver在构建SparkContent的上下文的时候创建的,就像申报员,如今要构建一个能完毕任务的集群,须要申报的是这次须要多少个Executor…
1. 什么是Task? 在前面的章节里描述过几个角色,Driver(Client),Master,Worker(Executor),Driver会提交Application到Master进行Worker上的Executor上的调度,显然这些都不是Task. Spark上的几个关系可以这样理解: Application: Application是Driver在构建SparkContent的上下文的时候创建的,就像申报员,现在要构建一个能完成任务的集群,需要申报的是这次需要多少个Executor(可… Windows Error Codes List All Error Codes | Search Errors: FileMaker Error Codes Lasso Error Codes MySQL Error Codes Windows System Errors About this databaseThis is a free public resource. It is…
转自: 转自: SPWorkflow.AlertTask()的时候出现"This task is currently locked by a running w…
版权声明:本文为原创文章,未经允许不得转载. 复习内容: Spark中Stage的提交 Spark中Task的提交 1.在复习内容部分我们介绍了在方法onStageSubmitted中,Stage的提交,那么在该方法中还有Task的提交,如下所示: override def onStageSubmitted(stageSubmitted: SparkListenerStageSubmitted):…
现象 通过load data local导入本地文件时报无法导入的错误 hive> load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/out/mid_test.txt' overwrite into table my_mid.mid_test partition (etl_date=20190101); Loading data to table my_mid.mid_test partition (etl_date=20190101) Failed with excep…
Task.Waitall阻塞了当前线程直到全完.whenall开启个新监控线程去判读括号里的所有线程执行情况并立即返回,等都完成了就退出监控线程并返回监控数据. task.Result会等待异步方法返回,当然阻塞住了.别和await 同时用. Task和ThreadPool的功能类似,可以用来创建一些轻量级的并行任务.对于将一个任务放进线程池    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(A); 这段代码用Task来实现的话,方式如下:    Task.Factory.Star…