URAL 1876 Centipede's Morning(数学)】的更多相关文章

A centipede has 40 left feet and 40 right feet. It keeps a left slippers and b right slippers under its bed. Every morning the centipede puts on the slippers. It pokes its first left foot under the bed and puts on a random slipper, doing it in one se…
1876. Centipede's Morning Time limit: 0.5 secondMemory limit: 64 MB A centipede has 40 left feet and 40 right feet. It keeps a left slippers and b right slippers under its bed. Every morning the centipede puts on the slippers. It pokes its first left…
题目链接:space=1&num=1725" target="_blank">http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1725 Every fall, all movies are shown to a full house at one of the most popular cinema theatres in Yekaterinburg because students like to spend…
In Chinese Restaurant 题目连接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/123332#problem/B Description When Vova arrived in Guangzhou, his Chinese friends immediately invited him to a restaurant. Overall n people came to the restaurant, including Vova. The w…
题目链接:http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1984 1984. Dummy Guy Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB Every year students of our university participate in Regional Contest in Saint Petersburg. Train journeys from Yekaterinburg to Saint Pe…
题目链接:http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1823 1823. Ideal Gas Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB Many of you know the universal method of solving simple physics problems: you have to find in a textbook an identity in which you know t…
系统论里面总是有一些通用的专业术语 比如复杂度.熵.焓,复杂度专门独立出来,成为复杂度理论 文章摘抄于:<非线性动力学> 刘秉政 编著  5.5 复杂性及其测度 热力学的几个专业术语 熵.焓.自由能.吉布斯自由能.复杂度 熵:体系混乱度(或无序度)的量度.S表示熵.也表示黑洞中不可用热量与其温度的比值.对于化学反应而言,若反应物和产物都处于标准状态下,则反应过程的熵变,即为该反应的标准熵变. 焓(hán)变(Enthalpy changes)即物体焓的变化量.[1]焓是物体的一个热力学能状态函…
题目链接:space=1&num=1820" target="_blank">http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx? space=1&num=1820 1820. Ural Steaks Time limit: 0.5 second Memory limit: 64 MB After the personal contest, happy but hungry programmers dropped into the rest…
ural 2029 Towers of Hanoi Strike Back 链接:http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=2029 题意:汉诺塔问题,给定一串只有(A, B, C)的字符串(A代表在第一根柱子,B代表在第二根柱子,C代表在第三根柱子),从前往后代表盘子的大小,第 i 个字母代表di i 个盘子在某个柱子上.问移动给定字母状态的盘子最少需要多少步. 思路:首先,从后往前看(最大的盘子),如果不在当前柱子上,那么移动到目标柱子需要 2…
ural 2032  Conspiracy Theory and Rebranding 链接:http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=2032 题意:给定一个三角形的三条边 (a, b, c),问是否可放在二维坐标,使得3个顶点都是整数点.若可以,输出任意一组解,否则,输出 -1. 思路:暴力枚举:以 a 为半径做第一象限的 1/4 圆, 以 b 为半径做 一.四 象限的半圆,存储整数点的解,暴力枚举 a 整数点与 b 整数点是否构成长度为 c…