今天查看Kafka 0.10.0的官方文档,发现了这样一句话:Configuration parameter replica.lag.max.messages was removed. Partition leaders will no longer consider the number of lagging messages when deciding which replicas are in sync. 即replica.lag.max.messages参数被正式地移除了,现在topic…
Given a non-empty 2D matrix matrix and an integer k, find the max sum of a rectangle in the matrix such that its sum is no larger than k. Example: Given matrix = [ [1, 0, 1], [0, -2, 3] ] k = 2 The answer is 2. Because the sum of rectangle [[0, 1], […
Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line. 这道题给了我们一堆二维点,然后让我们求最大的共线点的个数,根据初中数学我们知道,两点确定一条直线,而且可以写成y = ax + b的形式,所有共线的点都满足这个公式.所以这些给定点两两之间都可以算一个斜率,每个斜率代表一条直线,对每一条直线,带入所有的点看是否共线并计算个数,这是整体的思路.但是还有…
4390: [Usaco2015 dec]Max Flow Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 177 Solved: 113[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Farmer John has installed a new system of N−1 pipes to transport milk between the N stalls in his barn (2≤N≤50,000), c…
配置了 sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf * soft nofile * hard nofile 单独起进程没问题, 放到supervisor下监管启动,则报错 max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536] 原因: 应该是supervisor监管的进程配置来自于supervisor所在环境配置, supervi…
1. 上题目: Task description A non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given. A triplet (X, Y, Z), such that 0 ≤ X < Y < Z < N, is called a double slice. The sum of double slice (X, Y, Z) is the total of A[X + 1] + A[X + 2] + ... +…
在YARN上开发长服务,需要注意fault-tolerance,本篇文章对appmaster的平滑重启的一个参数做了解析,如何设置可以有助于达到appmaster平滑重启. 在yarn-site.xml有个参数 /** * The maximum number of application attempts. * It's a global setting for all application masters. */ yarn.resourcemanager.am.max-attempts 一…
引:生成一个[min,max]区间的一个随机数,随机数生成相关问题参考→链接 var ran=parseInt(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min); //生成一个[min,max]区间的一个随机数 思路一:先生成n个[min,max]区间随机数,比较是否重复,如重复则返回,再次执行. function my_ran(n,min,max){ var arr=[]; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ arr[i]=parseInt(Math.random()*(max-m…
操作重现: 法1:新建连接——>新建数据库——>右键数据库导入脚本——>提示:Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes 法2:新建连接——>新建数据库——>新增查询——>复制脚本中的内容,运行——>提示:Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes 原因: MySQL的varchar主键只支持不超过768个字节 或者 768/2=…
SoStyle.chi_description AS chi_description, SoStyle.description AS eng_description, SoStyle.chi_quality AS chi_quality, SoStyle.quality_text AS quality_text 在添加以下长字段查询时,报错:不能比较或排序 text.ntext 和 image 数据类型,除非使用 IS NULL 或 LIKE 运算符 后在每个字段中加MAX(); 又报错:操作数…
案例环境: 操作系统版本 : Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1 数据库版本 : Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) 案例介绍: 由于不能将生产环境的代码和数据贴上来,所以我构造了下面一个小案例,当然没法和生产环境的案例一致.只能是接近而已.但是足以反映问题本质就足够了. DROP TABLE ProductPrice; GO CREATE TABLE ProductPrice…
Max Points on a Line 题目描述: Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line. 解题思路: 1.首先由这么一个O(n^3)的方法,也就是算出每条线的方程(n^2),然后判断有多少点在每条线上(N).这个方法肯定是可行的,只是复杂度太高2.然后想到一个O(N)的,对每一个点,分别计算这个点和其他所有点构成的斜率,具有相同斜率最…
To The Max Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 7620 Accepted Submission(s): 3692 Problem Description Given a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectang…
To keep the TCP/IP stack from taking all resources on the computer, there are different parameters that control how many connections it can handle. If running applications that are constantly opening and closing connections (P2P), or are providing a…
这几天工作当中,在使用mysql数据库的时候,碰到了too many connections的问题和timeout expired的问题,经过尝试,稍作总结,希望能够帮到需要的朋友; 在测试当中发现, 1:too many connections的错误会在max pool size的值大于max_connections的值,而且连接池中的连接全部被占用,并且有新的连接请求的时候出现; 2:timeout expired的错误会在max pool size的值小于max_connections的值…
官方教程中没有解释pooling层各参数的意义,找了很久终于找到,在tensorflow/python/ops/gen_nn_ops.py中有写: def _max_pool(input, ksize, strides, padding, name=None): r"""Performs max pooling on the input. Args: input: A `Tensor` of type `float32`. 4-D input to pool over. ks…
在进行类转json字符串时,报错JsonException: Max allowed object depth reached while trying to export from type System.Single. ok,实际上是类的属性中有json不能识别的数据类型. JsonData public JsonData(bool boolean); public JsonData(double number); public JsonData(int number); public Js…