More descriptive way to declare and use a method in programming languages At present, in most programming language, a method is declared in few parts: keyword, method name, method parameters and return type etc. E.g. function int add(int a, int b) \\…
随着 Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 + Cortana 中文版的发布,相信有很多用户或开发者都在调戏 Windows Phone 的语音私人助理 Cortana 吧,在世界杯的时候我亲测 Cortana 预测德国和阿根廷的比赛很准的.(题外话扯远了),可是作为开发者我们怎么将Cortana集成到应用中呢,今天我用一点时间给大家介绍一下如何使用 voice command 集成 Windows Phone 8.1 的应用. 首先要明确两个名词 Voice command & Voi…
一年之前,我做梦也想不到会来这里写技术总结.误打误撞来到了上海西南某高校,成为了文科专业的工科男,现在每天除了膜ha,就是恶补CS.导师是做计算语言学的,所以当务之急就是先自学计算机自然语言处理,打好底子准备做科研(认真脸). 进入正题,从图书馆找了本“Natural Language Processing with Python” (影印版),书长这个样子,作者是Steven Bird, Ewan Klein和Edward Loper.粘贴个豆瓣链接供参考:https://book.douba…
Focus, Follow, and Forward Stanford CS224d 课程笔记 Lecture1 Stanford CS224d 课程笔记 Lecture1 Stanford大学在2015年开设了一门Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing的课程,广受好评.并在2016年春季再次开课.我将开始这门课程的学习,并做好每节课的课程笔记放在博客上.争取做到每周一更吧.本文是第一篇. NLP简介 NLP,全名Natural Languag…
Spoken input (top left) is analyzed, words are recognized, sentences are parsed and interpreted in context, application-specific actions take place (top right); a response is planned, realized as a syntactic structure, then to suitably inflected word…
spaCy is a library for advanced natural language processing in Python and Cython. spaCy is built on the very latest research, but it isn't researchware. It was designed from day one to be used in real products. spaCy currently supports English, Germa… The world is awash in digital data. The challenge: making sense of that data. To tackle that challenge, a growing number of companies are turning to…
Dynamic Multimodal Instance Segmentation Guided by Natural Language Queries 2018-09-18 09:58:50 Paper: GitHub:…
Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks作者信息: Richard Socher richard@socher.orgCliff Chiung-Yu Lin chiungyu@stanford.eduAndrew Y. Ng ang@cs.stanford.eduChristopher D. Manning manning@stanford.eduComputer Science Depa…
Tracking by Natural Language Specification 2018-04-27 15:16:13  Paper: Code:    The Proposed Models: 本文更加关注的是 Mo…