郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Received May 14, 2018; revised June 28, 2018; accepted July 5, 2018.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (CRCNS R01-1207833), the Office of Naval Research (N000141712984), and the Alfred P. Sloan…
ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 深度卷积神经网络的ImageNet分类 Alex Krizhevsky University of Toronto 多伦多大学 kriz@cs.utoronto.ca Ilya Sutskever University of Toronto 多伦多大学 ilya@cs.utoronto.ca Geoffrey E. Hinton University of Toront…
ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 摘要 我们训练了一个大型深度卷积神经网络来将ImageNet LSVRC-2010竞赛的120万高分辨率的图像分到1000不同的类别中.在测试数据上,我们得到了top-1 37.5%, top-5 17.0%的错误率,这个结果比目前的最好结果好很多.这个神经网络有6000万参数和650000个神经元,包含5个卷积层(某些卷积层后面带有池化层)和3个全连接层,最后是一个1…
Research Guide for Neural Architecture Search 2019-09-19 09:29:04 This blog is from: https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/research-guide-for-neural-architecture-search-b250c5b1b2e5 From training to experimenting with different parameters, the process of design…
1.What does the analogy “AI is the new electricity” refer to?  (B) A. Through the “smart grid”, AI is delivering a new wave of electricity. B. Similar to electricity starting about 100 years ago, AI is transforming multiple industries. C. AI is power…
Neural Networks and Deep Learning This is the first course of the deep learning specialization at Coursera which is moderated by moderated by DeepLearning.ai. The course is taught by Andrew Ng. Introduction to deep learning Be able to explain the maj…
Research Guide: Pruning Techniques for Neural Networks 2019-11-15 20:16:54 Original: https://heartbeat.fritz.ai/research-guide-pruning-techniques-for-neural-networks-d9b8440ab10d Pruning is a technique in deep learning that aids in the development of…
译自:http://sebastianruder.com/multi-task/ 1. 前言 在机器学习中,我们通常关心优化某一特定指标,不管这个指标是一个标准值,还是企业KPI.为了达到这个目标,我们训练单一模型或多个模型集合来完成指定得任务.然后,我们通过精细调参,来改进模型直至性能不再提升.尽管这样做可以针对一个任务得到一个可接受得性能,但是我们可能忽略了一些信息,这些信息有助于在我们关心的指标上做得更好.具体来说,这些信息就是相关任务的监督数据.通过在相关任务间共享表示信息,我们的模型在…
一位cornell的教授做的计算机类期刊会议依据Microsoft Research引用数的排名 link:http://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/csconf.html The following are the journals and conferences in computer science that have published at least 100 papers (2003–2013), with at least 5 citations per pa…
中国计算机学会推荐国际学术期刊 (计算机系统与高性能计算) 一.A类 序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址 1 TOCS ACM Transactions on Computer Systems ACM http://tocs.acm.org/ 2 TOC IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE http://www.computer.org/portal/web/tc 3 TPDS IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distr…