Interview of Chinese IT companies Ratings and Reviews website/app // js hack const getShitRank = (strings, ...values) => { let str = `★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆`; const rate = values[0] || 0; if(strings[0]) { str = strings[0]; } return str.slice(5 - rate, 10 - rate)…
通过爬虫 获取 官方文档库 如果想获取 相应的库 修改对应配置即可 代码如下 from urllib.parse import urljoin import requests from lxml import etree def get_data(page_num, key, file_name): """ 解析 page_num: 爬取页数 key: 爬取的关键字 file_name: 存入的文件 """ headers = { 'author…
Ultimate Guide to WeChat for Business 2019 By Iaroslav Kudritskiy (source : This is the guide for you if you're interested in the Chinese market. Companies all over are in… This site contains a ton of fun written tutorials – so many that they were becoming hard to find! So I put together this little page to help everyone quickly find the tutorial they’re looking for. Hope you enjoy…
Can I transfer an app to another developer's iTunes Connect account? Yes, you can transfer your app to another developer on iTunes Connect whenever your app is in a transferable state. Transferring the ownership of an app does not affect the app’s av…
reference: This is a blog post of our Code Reading Wednesdays from Codacy ( we make code reviews easier and automatic. Follow the discussion on Reddit and Hacker News How freque…
(by JP Zhang | Last updated: Apr 5, 2016 )  转载自: If you are looking for insightful and educational iOS development blogs, you've come to the right place. Here are my 100 favorite, active blogs…
再来一发水贴,先上产品标准照镇贴: 前言 身为一个资深单机游戏玩家,常年混迹在PC平台,但内心深处一直对主机有种迷之向往,感觉那才是单机游戏的正处之地,坐沙发上拿着手柄对着电视跌宕起伏才是正确的游戏姿势.80后的机友大概都有小时候跟小伙伴坐地上双打小霸王的愉快记忆,儿时的记忆总是那么深刻,任凭岁月和社会如何磨灭,总有些感觉想要找回,所以很难说现在淘来一台游戏机有几分是为了当下的娱乐,几分是为了找到当年的感觉.当然了,今天的PC也完全可以让你坐沙发拿手柄看电视甚至玩着相同的游戏,但就凭它叫游戏机,…
项目的组件相对比较复杂,原有的一些选项是靠 ConfigMap 以及 istioctl 分别调整的,现在通过重新设计的Helm Chart,安装选项用values.yml或者 helm 命令行的方式来进行集中管理了. 在安装 Istio 之前要确保 Kubernetes 集群(仅支持v1.9及以后版本)已部署并配置好本地的 kubectl 客户端. 1. 下载 Istio $ wget…
China's high-tech companies have made their mark on the nation's economy. Now, with growing cash and investment at their disposal, they are beginning to have an impact on its skylines. Many of China's technology giants got their starts in cheap, half…