错误提示: Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '�й���׼ʱ��' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must c…
在启动Springboot项目时,报错:org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'shiroFilter' available 第一反应是shiroFilter拼写错了.于是检查相关代码: 1.注入过滤器的代码 registration.setFilter(new DelegatingFilterProxy("shiroFilter")); 2.自动注册Bean的代码…
springboot 启动的时候报错: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'solrClient' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/solr/SolrAutoConfiguration.class]: Bean instantiation via f…
在使用JDBC连接MySql时报错:You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support. 具体报错如下: The server time zone value 'Öйú±ê׼ʱ¼ä' is…
java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '�й���׼ʱ��' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone v…
使用JDBC连接MySql时出现:The server time zone value '�й���׼ʱ��' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration 错误提示:Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdb…
事情是这样的,最近我们公司需要将开发环境和测试环境分开,所以就需要把所有的项目部署一套新的开发环境. 我们都是通过 Jenkins 进行部署的,先说一下两个环境的配置: 测试环境配置(旧):jdk1.8.0_111,tomcat_8.5.27 开发环境配置(新):jdk1.8.0_20,tomcat_8.5.27 我在搞一个分给我的项目的时候遇到了问题:这个项目在旧环境下正常build没有任何问题,在新环境下build就会出现下边的错误: 4517 ERROR [2018-08-09 10:30…
报错信息:Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost failed to start. 报错截图: 原因分析:在使用SSM框架时,生成的mapping与系统配置文件不符合 web.xml文件mapping配置和controller方法如下: 解决方法:把配置和方法的mapping值结构配一致…
报错信息 Ignoring invalid timezone passed to Connection: +8:00. This is currently a warning, but in future versions of MySQL2, an error will be thrown if you pass an invalid configuration option to a Connection 分析问题 大致意思是:这个时区的设置是无效的,但是忽略了这个无效(也就是现在也能用).…
适用情形: Oracle-11g 数据库启动时,出现类似如下错误. ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced ORA-18008: cannot find OUTLN schema  ID: 7715  ID: 241 3   故障原因: OUTLN Schema 作为系统的 Schema 必须存在.   处理方法: 1.方案一 利用磁带库等备份设备,还原数据库至 OUTLN Schema 存在的状态. 注意:此恢复可…