uppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true for the ith position (1 <= i <= N) in this array: The number at the ith positio…
Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true for the ith position (1 <= i <= N) in this array: The number at the ith positi…
Given two integers n and k, you need to construct a list which contains n different positive integers ranging from 1 to n and obeys the following requirement: Suppose this list is [a1, a2, a3, ... , an], then the list [|a1 - a2|, |a2 - a3|, |a3 - a4|…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/beautiful-arrangement/description/ 题目描述 Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is con…
Given two integers n and k, you need to construct a list which contains n different positive integers ranging from 1 to n and obeys the following requirement: Suppose this list is [a1, a2, a3, ... , an], then the list [|a1 - a2|, |a2 - a3|, |a3 - a4|…
Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true for the ith position (1 ≤ i ≤ N) in this array: The number at the ith position…
Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true for the ith position (1 <= i <= N) in this array: The number at the ith positi…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/beautiful-arrangement-ii/description/ 题目: Given two integers n and k, you need to construct a list which contains n different positive integers ranging from 1 to n and obeys the following requirement: Suppose thi…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/beautiful-arrangement/description/ 题目: Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true fo…
For some fixed N, an array A is beautiful if it is a permutation of the integers 1, 2, ..., N, such that: For every i < j, there is no k with i < k < j such that A[k] * 2 = A[i] + A[j]. Given N, return any beautiful array A. (It is guaranteed th…