CrowdFlower Winner's Interview: 1st place, Chenglong Chen The Crowdflower Search Results Relevance competition asked Kagglers to evaluate the accuracy of e-commerce search engines on a scale of 1-4 using a dataset of queries & results. Chenglong Chen…
How Much Did It Rain? Winner's Interview: 1st place, Devin Anzelmo An early insight into the importance of splitting the data on the number of radar scans in each row helped Devin Anzelmo take first place in the How Much Did It Rain? competition. In…
Facebook IV Winner's Interview: 1st place, Peter Best (aka fakeplastictrees) Peter Best (aka fakeplastictrees) took 1st place in Human or Robot?, our fourth Facebook recruiting competition. Finishing ahead of 984 other data scientists, Peter ignored…
Diabetic Retinopathy Winner's Interview: 1st place, Ben Graham Ben Graham finished at the top of the leaderboard in the high-profileDiabetic Retinopathy competition. In this blog, he shares his approach on a high-level with key takeaways. Ben finishe…
Recruit Coupon Purchase Winner's Interview: 2nd place, Halla Yang Recruit Ponpare is Japan's leading joint coupon site, offering huge discounts on everything from hot yoga, to gourmet sushi, to a summer concert bonanza. The Recruit Coupon Purchase Pr…
Otto Product Classification Winner's Interview: 2nd place, Alexander Guschin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The Otto Group Product Classification Challenge made Kaggle history as our most popular competition ever. Alexander Guschin finished in 2nd place ahead of 3,845 ot…
Liberty Mutual Property Inspection, Winner's Interview: Qingchen Wang The hugely popular Liberty Mutual Group: Property Inspection Prediction competition wrapped up on August 28, 2015 with Qingchen Wang at the top of a crowded leaderboard. A total of…
ICDM Winner's Interview: 3rd place, Roberto Diaz This summer, the ICDM 2015 conference sponsored a competitionfocused on making individual user connections across multiple digital devices. Top teams were invited to submit a paper for presentation at…
原文: Introduction Kaggle 是目前最大的 Data Scientist 聚集地.很多公司会拿出自家的数据并提供奖金,在 Kaggle 上组织数据竞赛.我最近完成了第一次比赛,在 2125 个参赛队伍中排名第 98 位(~ 5%).因为是第一次参赛,所以对这个成绩我已经很满意了.在 Kaggle 上一次比赛的结果除了排名以外,还会显示的…
本文转载自如何在 Kaggle 首战中进入前 10% 转载仅出于个人学习收藏,侵删 Introduction 本文采用署名 - 非商业性使用 - 禁止演绎 3.0 中国大陆许可协议进行许可.著作权由章凌豪所有. Kaggle 是目前最大的 Data Scientist 聚集地.很多公司会拿出自家的数据并提供奖金,在 Kaggle 上组织数据竞赛.我最近完成了第一次比赛,在 2125 个参赛队伍中排名第 98 位(~ 5%).因为是第一次参赛,所以对这个成绩我已经很满意了.在 Kaggle 上一次…