题目链接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/problem/48415 It Can Be Arranged Time Limit: 3000MS 问题描述 Every year, several universities arrange inter-university national programming contests. ACM ICPC Dhaka site regional competition is held every year in Dhaka…
[题意] 有n个队伍进行比赛,每场比赛,恰好有一支队伍取胜.一支队伍败.每个队伍需要打的比赛场数相同,给你每个队伍目前已经赢得场数和输得场数,再给你一个矩阵,第 i 行第 j 列 表示队伍 i 和队伍 j 还需要打的比赛数,问你哪些队伍有可能获得冠军(胜场最多的即为冠军,可以并列). InputThe input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases (T) is given in the first line of the inp…
POJ 1459 Power Network / HIT 1228 Power Network / UVAlive 2760 Power Network / ZOJ 1734 Power Network / FZU 1161 (网络流,最大流) Description A power network consists of nodes (power stations, consumers and dispatchers) connected by power transport lines. A…
Description In a country there are n cities connected by m one way roads. You can paint any of these roads. To paint a road it costs d unit of money where d is the length of that road. Your task is to paint some of the roads so that the painted roads…
Description A prominent microprocessor company has enlisted your help to lay out some interchangeable components(widgets) on some of their computer chips. Each chip’s design is an N × N square of slots. Oneslot can hold a single component, and you ar…
Description There are N cities, and M directed roads connecting them. Now you want to transport K units ofgoods from city 1 to city N. There are many robbers on the road, so you must be very careful. Themore goods you carry, the more dangerous it is.…
There will be several test cases in the input. Each test case will begin with a line with three integers: N A B Where N is the number of teams (1N1, 000), and A and B are the number of balloons in rooms A and B, respectively (0A, B10, 000). On each o…
UVA 1394 And Then There Was One / Gym 101415A And Then There Was One / UVAlive 3882 And Then There Was One / POJ 3517 And Then There Was One / Aizu 1275 And Then There Was One (动态规划,思维题) Description Let's play a stone removing game. Initially, n ston…
POJ 1087 A Plug for UNIX / HDU 1526 A Plug for UNIX / ZOJ 1157 A Plug for UNIX / UVA 753 A Plug for UNIX / UVAlive 5418 A Plug for UNIX / SCU 1671 A Plug for UNIX (网络流) Description You are in charge of setting up the press room for the inaugural meet…
B - Nubulsa Expo Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:0KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice UVALive 5099 Description You may not hear about Nubulsa, an island country on the Pacific Ocean. Nubulsa is an undeveloped country and it…
The King's Ups and Downs Time Limit: 3000ms Memory Limit: 131072KB This problem will be judged on UVALive. Original ID: 617764-bit integer IO format: %lld Java class name: Main The king has guards of all different heights. Rather than line the…
Fair Share Time Limit: 3000ms Memory Limit: 131072KB This problem will be judged on UVALive. Original ID: 323164-bit integer IO format: %lld Java class name: Main You are given N processors and M jobs to be processed. Two processors are specif…