File is a named location on disk to store related information. It is used to permanently store data in a non-volatile memory (e.g. hard disk). Since, random access memory (RAM) is volatile which loses its data when computer is turned off, we use file…
1. get files in the current directory with the assum that the directory is like this: a .py |----dataFolder |----Myfolder |----1.csv , 2.csv, 3.csv # 1 def getFileList(): file_list = [] cur_dir = os.getcwd() for folder in os.walk(cur_dir).next()…
python 文本对象 继承自C的stdio包 打开 可以用内置的open()函数创建 with open("hello.txt") as f: for line in f: print line 等效于旧版本的 f = open("hello.txt") try: for line in f: print line, finally: f.close() 注 Python中不是所有的"类文件式"类型支持用作with语句的上下文管理器. 打开模式…[,mode[,buffering]]) 模式的类型有: r 默认只读 w 以写方式打开,如果文件不存在则会先创建,如果文件存在则先把文件内容清空(truncate the file first)a 以追加模式打开 (从 EOF 开始, 必要时创建新文件)用seek也无用.打开的文件也是不能读的.r+ 以读写模式打开,如果文件不存在则报错,文件可读可写,可写到文件的任何位置w+ 以读写模式打开 (参见 w ),和r+不同的是,它会trun…