以下安装环境是win7 64位 1. 安装Delphi10.1 Berlin 版本. 2.修改C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\cglm.ini文件 [Embarcadero License Management]RootDir=${MODULE_DIR}\..LicenseDir=${ROOTDIR}\LicenseInfoDir=${COMMON_APPDATA}\Embarcadero\18\.licensesSlipDir=${…
Delphi 10.1 Berlin UTF8String Test procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s: UTF8String; i: Integer; begin s := UTF8Encode('123中文测试'); Memo1.Lines.Add(UTF8Decode(s)); for i:=Low(s) to High(s) do Memo1.Lines.Add(i.ToString + )); end;…
Delphi 10.1 Berlin 官方修正列表: Bug fix list for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Delphi 10.1 Berlin 官方未列之修正: 修正 iOS App 设定为全屏后,无法使用 Zoom, Pan, LongTap 等手势.https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-13840 (2016/04/28 被设定为解决) 修正 ListView 移动平台 (iOS, Android) 与 Window…
咏南中间件+咏南开发框架支持最新的delphi 10.1(berlin),老用户提供免费升级. 购买提供:中间件源码 附带福利(赠送): CS开发框架源码BS开发框架源码移动APP源码中间件集群源码二层改三层源码 开发文档+在线技术服务+永久免费升级…
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition Embarcadero® Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter is a great way to get started building high-performance Delphi apps for Windows. Delphi Starter includes a streamlined IDE, code editor, integrated debugger, two-way visual de…
n 10.1 Berlin the ActiveX project types are missing from the New Items Window under Delphi. They are there for C++Builder, but not for Delphi. This only happens if you use the shiney new Feature Installer that was introduced with 10.1 Berlin. So if y…
In this article I will show you how to connect yourdesktop and mobile applications to a mobile backend as a service (mBaaS) with Delphi 10.1 Berlin. I normally use Parse.com as a backend but as they announce that they will close their mBaaS service I…
源链接:http://bbs.fishc.com/thread-76730-1-1.html 免责声明:本教程所有资源均为学习交流之用,软件和资料版权归原开发公司所有,请于下载后24小时内删除,禁止用于任何商业行为!若因私自散布造成法律问题,论坛概不负责.若您喜欢该软件,请购买正版.本论坛不负责转载部分造成的所有责任.本教程只可用于学习.非商业目的,如您喜欢本软件,请购买正版.本教程所产生的一切后果自负与本站无关.亲测win7 32位 64位均可用.1.下载镜像安装文件 ①官方下载地址(速度快,…
delphi 10.1 berlin版本中,有好几个 base64 编码的单元可以使用,例如 Indy, MessageDigest_5,还有 CnBase64,我现在使用自带的 System.NetEncoding. var params: string; Digest: TBytes; Base64: TBase64Encoding; begin Base64 := TBase64Encoding.Create; params := Base64.EncodeBytesToString(Di…
delphi 10.1 berlin datasnap提交clientdataset.delta报:invalid variant type conversion(类型转换错误)问题的解决,需要打这个补丁:30530_hotfix_for_datasnap 打了补丁以后,经测试,问题解决. DataSnapServer240.bpl这个包一定要覆盖.…