support.SerializationFailedException: Failed to deserialize payload. Is the byte array a result of corresponding serialization for DefaultDeserializer?; nested exception is 使用…
问题 Cannot deserialize; nested exception is Failed to deserialize payload. Is the byte array a result of corres…
反序列化失败: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to execute CommandLineRunner at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunner( at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunners( at…
安装先前的笔记:CentOS 6.3 中安装VirtualBOX增强工具失败:Building the main Guest Additions module[FAILED],执行了以下命令 #安装 工具/依赖库 yum install -y gcc-c++ kernel kernel-devel #重启 reboot 重新安装“增强工具”,还是报如下错误: Building the OpenGL support module [FAILED] 网友提供的解决方案: cd /media/VBO…
shiro使用redis作为缓存,出现要清除缓存时报错 java.lang.Exception: Failed to deserialize at org.crazycake.shiro.SerializeUtils.deserialize( ~[shiro-redis-] at org.crazycake.shiro.RedisSessionDAO.getActiveSessions(RedisSessi…