Mirantis Certification summary】的更多相关文章

preface Mirantis Certification (MCA100 )summary roughly question types handy remain by Ruiy!…
情况:WCF服务在浏览器中可以正常浏览,但是通过程序调用提示: HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'. 详细错误信息: System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: The HTTP request…
Meeting time: 2016.August.23 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Move congress and mistral integrations to murano-plugin Congress and Mistral integrations have been developed during the time when murano didn't hav…
Meeting time: 2016.August.16 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Action Items Review Link:  https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/murano-stable-backports 2.Open Discussion  made a poll in ML about murano meeting bi-wee…
Meeting time: 2016.August.09 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Open Discussion 1) basically the idea is to clean up murano-apps repo. Some apps are simple and have little value, other than examples — those would…
Meeting time: 2016.August.02 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Valerii Kovalchuk, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Backports Link:  https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/murano-stable-backports                https://review.openstack.org/#/c/341305/   2.Open Discus…
Meeting time: 2016.July.26 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Nikolay_St, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Mascot mascot candidates: * muraena 海鳝 * orca 逆戟鲸 * winged lion 有翼的狮子 * racoon 浣熊 * glasscrab 龙虾 * other stuff 其他东西 Link:  https://etherpad.openstack.org/…
Meeting time: 2016.July.19 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Backports Link:  https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/murano-stable-backports/ 2.Convergence so both of our CI servers are running heat with convergence n…
Meeting time: 2016.July.12 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Action Items Review about agent versions and tbh I've decided to leave it the way it is for this cycle, since we already have n1 beta release to make…
Meeting time: 2016.July.05 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Upgrade to Glance V2 Problem: There is no copy-from functionality in glance v2 API. This poses UI problems to murano client, that downloads images aut…