pyglet pyglet: a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python.…
cmake_百度百科 CMake 可以编译源代码.制作程序库.产生适配器(wrapper).还可以用任意的顺序建构执行档.CMake 支持 in-place 建构(二进档和源代码在同一个目录树中)和 out-of-place 建构(二进档在别的目录里),因此可以很容易从同一个源代码目录树中建构出多个二进档.CMake 也支持静态与动态程式库的建构. “CMake”这个名字是“cross p…
Comparing Xamarin and Delphi XE5 to Xcode for Cross Platform Mobile App Development If you are considering developing cross-platform mobile apps, two of the platforms you may encounter are Xamarin and Delphi XE5. I created the starter application for…
V4 Reduce Transportable Tablespace Downtime using Cross Platform Incremental Backup (Doc ID 2471245.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterOracl…
参考:使用Visual Studio 2017作为Linux C++开发工具 前言 最近在学Gtest单元测试框架,由于平时都是使用Source Insight写代码,遇到问题自己还是要到Linux下gdb调试,还是没有Visual Studio下调试工具那么直观.VS很强大,但是那毕竟是给MS家族产品用的,而且即便是C++项目,VS下开发的项目也没法直接拿到Linux下运行.VS2017推出的跨平台特性很好的解决了这个问题.你可以在保留VS强大功能的前提下,使用远程Linux主机上的gdb进行…
ref: concolusion: directives: #define #undef #include #if #else #elif #endif #ifdef #ifndef #error ( #warning is NOT A STANDARD DIRECTIVE,  since not shown in the page above, but most compilers have…
Someone said: from : Download: There are some of you that know your way around OpenSSL’s options in your sleep,…
值得学习的C/C++语言开源项目 (1)ACE 庞大.复杂,适合大型项目.开源.免费,不依赖第三方库,支持跨平台. (2)Asio Asio基于Boost开发的异步IO库,封装了Socket,简化基于socket程序的开发. 开源.免费,支持跨平台. (3)POCO POCO C++ Libraries 提供一套 C++ 的类库用以开发基于网络的可移植的应用程序,功…
Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages by Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine. This page provides 32- and 64-bit Windows binaries of many scientific open-source extension package…