默认的Station下是没有Home节点的,那么,这个Home节点是怎么添加上去的呢? 注意Home后面的描述(Description):“Navigation tree defined by nav file”,由nav文件定义. 每个用户都可以定义nav文件,但Home节点的只有在admin用户配置了Nav File后才会出现,而且, 配置admin用户的Nav File后必须重启Station才可以看到Home节点. 但是,Home节点的存在有什么实际用途呢?…
四个步骤:(开篇:多谢陈工!) 1.Services下添加box->boxService: 2.在Apps下添加BajaScriptTutorialsApp: 3.登录用户的Web Profile设置为Default Mobile Web Profile: 4.登录之后就能查看BajaScript帮助文档了: 大家尽情享用吧!…
oBIX 全称是 Open Building Information Exchange,它是基于 RESTful Web Service 的接口的标准,用于构建控制系统.oBIX是在专为楼宇自动化设计的框架内,使用XML和URI在设备网络上读写数据的. 因项目需要使用 Python 对 Niagara 软件中的数据进行读写和控制,所以写了一个该协议的Python版本包,发布在这里:https://pypi.org/project/oBIX/ 使用 pip 安装使用即可: pip install…
Session for SSRS Report of Microsoft Dynamics AX 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. Contract •A data contract class has methods with the DataMemberAttribute [DataContractAttribute] attribute. The name that follows the attribute is the parameter name that dis…
Report processing of Microsoft Dynamic AX 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. The implementation of a general electronic report usually has four classes. Contract: Comment: Contract class is data contract class for SSRS report . Intent: Gets or sets the value…
I wanted to explore some scenarios that illustrate a few important concepts related to inventory costing-- look at differences between physical and financial inventory, and how this affects inventory values. Please reply to the post if you have quest…