题目大意: 无向图,求最大流. 算法讨论: Dinic可过.终于我的常数还是太大.以后要注意下了. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; struct MF{ +…
题目大意: 有n1头公牛和n2头母牛,给出公母之间的m对配对关系,求最大匹配数.数据范围:  1 <= n1, n2 <= 50000, m <= 150000 算法讨论: 第一反应KM直接上,第二反应,KM是O(N^2 * M)的,会T成狗. 第二反应,看看大家是怎么做的.后来发现了一个名字叫 Hopcroft-Carp的二分图最大匹配的算法.可以在O(sqrt(n) * m)的时间内解决二分图的最大匹配问题.非常适合大数据的二分图匹配.所以就学习了一下. 我们知道,普通的匈牙利慢的原…
Flow Problem Time Limit: 5000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 17963    Accepted Submission(s): 8464 Problem Description Network flow is a well-known difficult problem for ACMers. Given a graph, y…
题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3549 Problem Description Network flow is a well-known difficult problem for ACMers. Given a graph, your task is to find out the maximum flow for the weighted directed graph.   Input The first line of inp…
最小费用最大流,即MCMF(Minimum Cost Maximum Flow)问题 嗯~第一次写费用流题... 这道就是费用流的模板题,找不到更裸的题了 建图:每个m(Man)作为源点,每个H(House)作为汇点,各个源点与汇点分别连一条边,这条边的流量是1(因为每个源点只能走一条边到汇点),费用是 从源点走到汇点的步数,因为有多个源点与汇点,要建一个超级源点与超级汇点,超级源点与各个源点连一条流量为1,费用为0(要避免产生多余的费用)的边 按照这个图跑一发费用流即可 关于模板:前向星+SP…
图论算法-最小费用最大流模板[EK;Dinic] EK模板 const int inf=1000000000; int n,m,s,t; struct node{int v,w,c;}; vector<node> map[10010]; int flow[10010][10010]; bool inq[10010]; int d[10010]; int pre[10010],pref[10010]; int minc,maxf; int main() { cin>>n>>…
ZOJ_2314_Reactor Cooling_有上下界可行流模板 The terrorist group leaded by a well known international terrorist Ben Bladen is buliding a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium for the nuclear bomb they are planning to create. Being the wicked computer genius of…
https://www.topcoder.com/community/data-science/data-science-tutorials/maximum-flow-augmenting-path-algorithms-comparison/ 存档用... By  Zealint– TopCoder Member Discuss this article in the forums With this article, we’ll revisit the so-called “max-flow…
Ref MIT: lecture-13-incremental-improvement-max-flow-min-cut/ Ford Fulkerson algorithm for finding maximal flow in a flow network: Keep adding flow through new augmenting paths for as long as it is possible; When there are no more augmenting paths, y…
题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1532 最大流模板题: EK:(复杂度为n*m*m); #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define INF 0xfffffff #define N 220 int maps[N][N], pre[N], a…