如果编译出现Perror PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event..."之类的错误,说明是VC的Post-Build失败了,这个功能可以将编译完成后的文件复制到你想要的目录下面,方便使用,是个不错的 功能.之前纠结了很久,网上很多抄来抄去的解决方法就是取消掉这个功能,这个明显是自欺欺人,其实可以检查下你代码路径里面有没有空格,去掉空格路径就行了.当然这种错误有很多类型,这只是其中的…
今天在更新项目后进行编译时,出现如下错误一堆: 编译错误 Google之,在stackoverflow上看到如下的解决方法: I came here with the same problem. Even worse: I had two projects side by side, both targetting the same JRE (1.6), and one was able to resolve Node.getTextContent() while the other wasn'…
开始用XCODE学习Apple相关开发的东东,写些demo熟悉Object C,一直还没看见什么问题,昨晚在家把一些demo上传到代码服务器,今天在另外一台机器上下载下来编译,出现了问题: Precomplile */*-Prefix.pch blablabla...... clang: error: no such file or directory: '.../*-Prefix.pch' clang: error: no input files Command /Applications/X…
一个android项目突然出现编译错误,如下: :app:processDebugResources FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. > com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.intern…
1. iOS APP Project or Mac APP Project编译错误提示: “The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme '***'. The scheme '***' contains no buildables that can be built for the SDKs supported by the run destination My Mac 64-bit. Make su…
org.w3c.dom.Node.getTextContent()方法编译错误. 在项目的Java Build Path | Order and Export选项卡中,将JRE System Library选中,并Top置顶.然后再进行编译即可. 参考: https://blog.csdn.net/maoxiao1229/article/details/51694553…
[转载] http://blog.csdn.net/duanyipeng/article/details/8007684 编译错误"The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme '***',解决办法 标签: schemexcodeiosbuildos 2012-09-22 16:33 8214人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 分类: iOS/iPhone(84) 版权声明:本文为博主原创…