content = """We have seen thee, queen of cheese, Lying quietly at your ease, Gently fanned by evening breeze, Thy fair form no flies dare seize. All gaily dressed soon you'll go To the great Provincial show, To be admired by many a beau In…
print语句默认是输出一行后添加一个换行符 >>> for item in ['apple','ibm','google','oracle']: ... print item ... apple ibm google oracle 在print语句的最后添加一个逗号(,),改变其默认行为: >>> for item in ['apple','ibm','google','oracle']: ... print item, ... apple ibm google or…
print 默认输出是换行的,如果要实现不换行需要在变量末尾加上逗号 , #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- x="a" y="b" # 换行输出 print x print y print '---------' # 不换行输出 print x, print y, # 不换行输出 print x,y 以上实例执行结果为: a b --------- a b a b…
问题: 有二进制文件,通过open打开和read()读入并输出时,输出为\x十六进制编码,不能正确显示其具体代表的字符 with open(r'C:\Users\Le\Desktop\Test\tkinter1\usrs_info.pickle','rb') as file: print( b'\x80\x03}q\x00(X\x05\x00\x00\x00adminq\x01h\x01X\x02\x00\x00\x00Leq\x02X\x01\x00\x00\x006q…