本文转自:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25865610/global-exception-handling-in-web-api-2-1-and-nlog In Web API 2.1 is new Global Error Handling. I found some example how to log exceptions into Elmah ( elmah sample ). But I use NLog to log errors into…
在.NET Core中MVC和WebAPI已经组合在一起,都继承了Controller,但是在处理错误时,就很不一样,MVC返回错误页面给浏览器,WebAPI返回Json或XML,而不是HTML.UseExceptionHandler中间件可以处理全局异常 app.UseExceptionHandler(options => { options.Run(async context => { context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.In…
A benefit of using ASP.NET Web API is that it can be consumed by any client with the capability of making HTTP calls and processing JSON data. The client can use HTTP methods to perform Read/Write operations. They make use of HttpRequestMessage and H…
目录 已存在的选项 解决方案预览 设计原则 什么时候去用 方案详情 示例 附录: 基类详情 原文链接 Global Error Handling in ASP.NET Web API 2 由于翻译水平有限,如果感觉翻译不通顺的地方,请对照原文,如果有翻译错误,还请不吝指正,共同进步! ---------------------------- 直到今天在 Web API 中也没有一种简单的方式去记录或处理全局的错误.一些未处理的异常可以通过 Exception Filters 处理,但是还有许多…
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Web.Http.Controllers; using System.Web.Http.Filters; using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding; namespace MyApi.Filters { public class ValidateModelAt…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/error-handling/exception-handling https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/error-handling/web-api-global-error-handling Solution Overview We provide two new user-replaceable ser…
原文:http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/error-handling/exception-handling This article describes error and exception handling in ASP.NET Web API. HttpResponseException Exception Filters Registering Exception Filters HttpError HttpResponseException Wha…
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); filters.Add(new System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute()); } ttribute in the ASP.NET Web API. Custom Authorize Attribute in ASP.NET WEB API…
目前,在Web API中没有简单的方法来记录或处理全局异常(webapi1中).一些未处理的异常可以通过exception filters进行处理,但是有许多情况exception filters无法处理.例如:   1.从控制器构造函数中抛出的异常. 2.从message handlers中抛出的异常. 3.路由过程中抛出的异常. 4.响应内容序列化过程中引发的异常. 我们希望提供一种简单.一致的方法来记录和处理这些异常(如果可能的话). 处理异常主要有两种情况,一种是我们可以发送错误响应,另…
https://github.com/NSwag/NSwag/wiki/OwinGlobalAsax This page explains how to use the NSwag OWIN middleware in your "Global.asax"-based web project. It is recommended to migrate your project to a completely OWIN-based project and use the OWIN mid…