Latch: Row Cache Objects (One bug?)】的更多相关文章

During the performance test, observe the following condition in the database server from EM, And the AWR report shows the top event is "Latch:Row Cache Objects", And the ASH report also confirms this, Did some query, and find the most of the row…
This latch comes into play when user processes are attempting to access or update the cached data dictionary values. Solutions Problem: To determine if the row cache is being used efficiently, execute the following SQL. If the ratio is not close to 1…
转自:   定位的办法: --查询row cache lock等待 select event,p1  from v$session where  event= 'row cache lock' and status='ACTIVE';   --查询rowcache 名称 select * from v$rowcache where cache# =p1; 名称 P1 P2 P3 原因 处理 row … Issue backgroundThis post will help to analyze Oracle database instance slowdown that can happen due to considerable row cache lock (enqueue) wait events. It’s is based on…
Bug 7715339 - Logon failures causes "row cache lock" waits - Allow disable of logon delay (文档 ID 7715339.8) 究竟部  改动时间:2012-7-26类型:PATCH  为此文档评级 通过电子邮件发送此文档的链接 在新窗体中打开文档 可打印页 Bug 7715339  Logon failures causes "row cache lock" waits - A…
Sessions Hang on "row cache lock" (dc_objects) While Creating & Dropping a Table Concurrently (文档 ID 2319957.1) The cause is due to following bug which was closed as not a bug: Bug 25641559- ROW CACHE LOCK WITHOUT HOLDER "row cache lock…
这两个等待事件其实很少出现在top5列表中,一般都没什么印象,在此整理记录以便以后查阅. 常见的library cache lock产生的原因在<高级OWI与Oracle性能调查>这本书和下面这个文档中有一般性的描述: Troubleshooting Library Cache: Lock, Pin and Load Lock (Doc ID 444560.1) 一般可以理解的是alter table或者alter package/procedure会以X模式持有library cache l…
[等待事件]序列等待事件总结(enq: SQ - contention.row cache lock.DFS lock handle和enq: SV -  contention) 1  BLOG文档结构图 2  前言部分 2.1  导读和注意事项 各位技术爱好者,看完本文后,你可以掌握如下的技能,也可以学到一些其它你所不知道的知识,~O(∩_∩)O~: ① 序列等待事件总结 ② enq: SQ - contention.row cache lock.DFS lock handle和enq: SV…
latch:library cache --desc v$librarycache; latch:library cache用于保护hash bucket.library cache lock保护HANDLE.library cache pin保护library cache object--LCO.从10G开始,library cache lock和library cache pin被MUTEX部分取代.暂时不讨论MUTEX.latch:library cache的数量:SYS@ bys3>se…
SQL> col name format a30 SQL> select * from (select SAMPLE_TIME, SESSION_ID, NAME, P1, P2, P3, ash.BLOCKING_SESSION from v$active_session_history ash, v$event_name enm where ash.event# = enm.event# and enm.NAME='row cache lock') where rownum<10;…