ref: Use location.hash or the click() method on a dummy <a> node (instead of location.href or the src attribute of iframes) to do fast synthetic navigations that trigger aUIWeb…
目录 . Linux通信机制分类简介 . 控制机制 0x1: 竞态条件 0x2: 临界区 . Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms: 进程间通信机制 0x1: 信号(Signals) 0x2: 管道(Pipes) 0x3: 套接字(Sockets) 0x4: System V通信机制(System V IPC Mechanisms) . 多线程并行中的阻塞和同步 0x1: CPU指令集提供的原子操作(Atomic) 0x2: 操作系统提供的原子…
We have modal implement and now we want to implement close functionality. Becuase we use a structure directive to do open modal on click functionality. So as you can see, the directive and modal component is spreated. We need to have some way to comm…
catalog . Netlink简介 . Netlink Function API Howto . Generic Netlink HOWTO kernel API . RFC Linux Netlink as an IP Services Protocol . sendmsg.recvmsg In User Space . kernel_recvmsg.kernel_sendmsg In Kernel Space . NetLink Sockets C++ Library . Netlink…
Communication between C++ and Javascript in Qt WebEngine admin January 31, 2018 0 As Qt WebKit is replaced by Qt WebEngine(you can refer to this postabout porting issues), accessing html elements from C++ directly becomes impossible. Many works origi… ASP.NET Core – Exceeds 1.15 Million request/s, 12.6 Gbps Congratulations to ASP.NET Core and .NET Core teams and the Open Source .NET community for quite a milestone in p…
Contents Tutorial Hello, World Command-Line Arguments Finding Duplicate Lines A Web Server Loose Ends Program Structure Names Declarations Variables Assignments Type Declarations Packages and Files Scope Basic Data Types Integers Floating-Point Numbe…
[Game Engine Architecture 5] 1.Memory Ordering Semantics These mysterious and vexing problems can only occur on a multicore machine with a multilevel cache. A cache coherency protocol is a communication mechanism that permits cores to share data betw… By James Roper (@jroper), February 6, 2018 In my current role at Lightbend I’m investigating and pursuing opportunities where Reactive Streams can make the lives of EE4J…
原文: Redis = Remote Dictionary Service TL;DR: If you can map a use case to Redis and discover you aren't at risk of running out of RAM by using Redis there is a good cha…