1.错误描述 今天用Android Studio编译应用后安装APK的时候,报错了,错误如下所示: The APK file build\outputs\apk\OYP_2.3.4_I2Base_6476_official_debug.apk does not exist on disk. Error while Installing APK 如下图所示 2.解决方法 1.尝试了Build -> Clean Project再编译,还是无效 2.尝试重启Android Studio无效 然后我去打…
问题描述 Android Studio升级到2.3版本之后,小米手机MIUI8不能运行Android Studio程序,报如下错误: Installation failed with message Failed to establish session. It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-i…
Android Studio升级到2.3版本之后,小米手机MIUI8不能运行Android Studio程序,报如下错误: Installation failed with message Failed to establish session. It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-instal…