张宁 Semi-Dense Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping for Quadrotors with SWAP Constraints 具有SWAP约束的四旋翼半密集视觉惯性里程计和建图 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8463163 Wenxin Liu, Giuseppe Loianno, Kartik Mohta, Kostas Daniilidis, and Vijay Kumar Abstract—Mic…
周围很多朋友开始做vio了,之前在知乎上也和胖爷讨论过这个问题,本文主要来自于知乎的讨论. 来自https://www.zhihu.com/question/53571648/answer/137726592 个人理解错误的地方还请不吝赐教,转载请标明出处,内容如有改动更新,请看原博:http://www.cnblogs.com/hitcm/,如有任何问题,feel free to contact me at robotsming@gmail.com 如有问题,请及时反馈给我,博客会持续更新.…
这是2018-IROS上的一篇文章,亮点是作者提出了Lines特征的VIO方案,还有就是提出一个新颖的回环检测,不是用传统的基于优化的方法或者BA,另外作者还发布了一个新的用于VIO的数据集.亮点主要还是在线特征的使用上,有更强的鲁棒性,能适应低纹理和光照变化的环境. Abstract: 提出Trifo-VIO系统,使用点和线特征的基于滤波的紧耦合立体VIO系统.线特征可以帮助点特征处理低纹理和光照变化的环境.在不使用全局BA或位姿图优化情况下,提出一个新的轻量级基于滤波的闭环检测以减少累计误差…
Tightly-Coupled Aided Inertial Navigation with Point and Plane Features 具有点和平面特征的紧密耦合辅助惯性导航 Yulin Yang∗, Patrick Geneva††, Xingxing Zuo†, Kevin Eckenhoff∗, Yong Liu†, and Guoquan Huang∗ This paper presents a tightly-coupled aided inertial navigation…
简介:论文提出一种新的视觉里程计算法,其直接利用带噪声的IMU数据和视觉特征位置来优化相机位姿.不同于对IMU和视觉数据运行分离的滤波器,这种算法将它们纳入联合的非线性优化框架中.视觉特征的透视重投影代价函数以及从IMU和位姿轨迹得到的加速度和角速度运动代价函数被联合优化. 一.算法的整体框架 文中提出的在线VIO算法,其限制优化窗口只包括最近的观测和参数.随着窗口尺寸的变化,估计精度和计算成本之间的权衡就会出现.这种算法属于利用优化框架的基于关键帧的方法,与之前方法相反的是,不边缘化之前的状态…
Topomap: Topological Mapping and Navigation Based on Visual SLAM Maps Fabian Bl¨ochliger, Marius Fehr, Marcin Dymczyk, Thomas Schneider and Roland Siegwart Topomap:基于Visual SLAM地图的拓扑映射和导航 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.05533.pdf Abstract—Visual robot nav…
WSL 的 VSLAM 道路 以 Windows Subsystem for Linux 闯入 Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 世界的艰难道路... 这里包含各种各样的 WSL 中可能用到的包,美化方案,以及相关软件的一些使用小技巧,用于自己踩坑记录的同时,希望能够帮到同为使用 Windows 踩坑的 CVer 们... ... 安装好 Windows Subsystem for Linux 后要做的 卸载原装 Vim 一波强硬操作把好删…
张宁 Visual Odometry Using a Homography Formulation with Decoupled Rotation and Translation Estimation Using Minimal Solutions "链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13l8ERXM9SiBqDe2r_25elw 提取码:xs4u " 视觉测距法使用单应性配方,使用最小解决方案进行解耦旋转和平移估计使用最小解决方案进行解耦旋转和平移估计的单应性框架…
http://udel.edu/~yuyang/downloads/tr_observabilityII.pdf Aided Inertial Navigation: Unified Feature Representations and Observability Analysis Yulin Yang,Guoquan Huang 辅助惯性导航:统一的特征表示和可观察性分析 Extending our recent work [1] that focuses on the observabili…
Marcin Dymczyk, Igor Gilitschenski, Juan Nieto, Simon Lynen, Bernhard Zeis, and Roland Siegwart LandmarkBoost: Efficient Visual Context Classifiers for Robust Localization LandmarkBoost:用于鲁棒定位的高效的视觉上下文分类器 Abstract—The growing popularity of autonomous s…
A Multi-Position Joint Particle Filtering Method for Vehicle Localization in Urban Area 城市车辆定位的多位置联合粒子滤波方法 Shuxia Gu, Zhiyu Xiang*, Yi Zhang and Qi Qian 张宁 Abstract—Robust localization is a prerequisite for autonomous vehicles. Traditional visual loc…
FMD Stereo SLAM: Fusing MVG and Direct Formulation Towards Accurate and Fast Stereo SLAM FMD Stereo SLAM:融合MVG和直接方法,实现准确,快速的双目SLAM Fulin Tang, Heping Li, Yihong Wu We propose a novel stereo visual SLAM framework considering both accuracy and speed at…
Deep-LK for Efficient Adaptive Object Tracking "链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Hn-CVgiR7WV0jvaYBv5G_A 提取码:mp97" 用于高效自适应对象跟踪的Deep-LK方法 In this paper, we present a new approach for efficient regression-based object tracking. Our approach is closely r…
张宁 Cooperative Object Transportation by Multiple Ground and Aerial Vehicles: Modeling and Planning 多地面和空中车辆的协同目标运输:建模与规划 "链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1u00fHJMF4u9_4l7-h655og 提取码:n94y" In this paper, the modeling and planning problems of a system…
张宁 Semantic Labeling of Indoor Environments from 3D RGB Maps Manuel Brucker,  Maximilian Durner,  Rare Ambru, Zoltán Csaba Márton, Axel Wendt, Patric Jensfelt,  Kai O. Arras,  Rudolph Triebel "链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JtQfWlhynnXvh69VLmvAFg 提取码:7e…
Cubic Range Error Model for Stereo Vision with Illuminators 带有照明器的双目视觉的三次范围误差模型 "链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ihSDMHyBzRF6TRZftS2WHw 提取码:la7r " Marius Huber, Timo Hinzmann, Roland Siegwart, and Larry H. Matthies Abstract—Use of low-cost depth sen…
Towards real-time unsupervised monocular depth estimation on CPU Matteo Poggi , Filippo Aleotti , Fabio Tosi , Stefano Mattoccia 在CPU上进行实时无监督单目深度估计 Abstract— Unsupervised depth estimation from a single image is a very attractive technique with severa…
Exploiting Points and Lines in Regression Forests for RGB-D Camera Relocalization 利用回归森林中的点和线进行RGB-D相机重新定位 张宁 https://pan.baidu.com/s/17RfrQqp0LaCELabma4jVDQ Lili Meng , Frederick Tung , James J. Little , Julien Valentin , Clarence W. de Silva Abstra…
Automatic Parameter Tuning of Motion Planning Algorithms 运动规划算法的自动参数整定 Jos´e Cano, Yiming Yang, Bruno Bodin, Vijay Nagarajan, and Michael O’Boyle 张宁 Automatic Parameter Tuning of Motion Planning Algorithms https://pan.baidu.com/s/17rNCxNp3Lqbtqt-sO1x…
Motion Planning for a Small Aerobatic Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Joshua Levin, Aditya Paranjape, and Meyer Nahon 小型特技飞行无人机的运动规划 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xB6WxNMEo-SNAApsNT0GQQ Abstract— A motion planner is developed for guiding a small aeroba…
Stabilize an Unsupervised Feature Learning for LiDAR-based Place Recognition Peng Yin, Lingyun Xu, Zhe Liu, Lu Li, Hadi Salman, Yuqing He Abstract— Place recognition is one of the major challenges for the LiDAR-based effective localization and mappin…
张宁 Geometric and Physical Constraints for Drone-Based Head Plane Crowd Density Estimation 基于无人机的向下平面人群密度估计的几何和物理约束https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.08805 Weizhe Liu, Krzysztof Lis, Mathieu Salzmann, Pascal Fua Abstract—State-of-the-art methods for counting…
张宁 Collaborative Mapping with Pose Uncertainties using different Radio Frequencies and Communication Modules 使用不同的无线电频率和通信模块进行姿势不确定性的协作建图链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/10z34W36Aa3bwxJzykh7ZcA 提取码:4ubw Cornelia Schulz, Richard Hanten, Matthias Reisenauer…
张宁 Robust Attitude Estimation Using an Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter 使用自适应无味卡尔曼滤波器进行姿态估计链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TNeRUK84APiwNv1uyQfhHg 提取码:pbdt This paper presents the robust Adaptive unscented Kalman filter (RAUKF) for attitude estimation. Sin…
张宁 Optimal Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Teach-And-Repeat链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1x0CmuOXiLu_BHQFfhnrwSA 提取码:9npg Optimal Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Teach-and-Repeat 四旋翼重复示教的最优轨迹生成 Fei Gao, Luqi Wang, Kaixuan Wang, William Wu, Boyu…
张宁 Context-Aware Modelling for Augmented Reality Display Behaviour链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RpX6ktZCTGpQ7okksw5TUA&shfl=sharepset 提取码:xttr Abstract—Current surgical augmented reality (AR) systems typically employ an on-demand display behaviour, whe…
张宁 Real-Time Vehicle Detection from Short-Range Aerial Image with Compressed MobileNet链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Uk6McGCnCzTieJYehjSFBA 提取码:e0bn Yuhang He, Ziyu Pan, Lingxi Li, Yunxiao Shan, Dongpu Cao and Long Chen Vehicle detection from short-rang…
张宁  Using Geometric Features to Represent Near-Contact Behavior in Robotic Grasping链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1X3X5QJlHKBFZYS_-rWWHQQ 提取码:eyvb 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 Abstract—In this paper we define two feature representations for grasping. These r…
张宁  Learning Motion Planning Policies in Uncertain Environments through Repeated Task Executions 通过重复任务执行学习不确定环境中的运动规划策略链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TlSJn0fXuKEwZ9vts4xA6g 提取码:jwsd 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 Florence Tsang, Ryan A. Macdonald, and Steph…
张宁  Efficient Trajectory Planning for High Speed Flight in Unknown Environments 高效飞行在未知环境中的有效轨迹规划链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1l0HtSOU-6QSojq7ELrmLIA  提取码:ayc1 Markus Ryll, John Ware, John Carter and Nick Roy There has been considerable recent work in…