@Controller@RequestMapping(value = "/custom/register")public class RegistrationController { // Set the data binding per controller @InitBinder public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder){ binder.setDisallowedFields("id"); // 此处指定在绑定的时…
最近项目中用到二维码图片识别,在python下二维码识别,目前主要有三个模块:zbar .zbarlight.zxing. 1.三个模块的用法: #-*-coding=utf-8-*- import os import logging import zbar from PIL import Image import zxing import random import zbarlight logger=logging.getLogger(__name__) if not logger.handl…
欢迎转载,转载请标明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/johnny901114/article/details/51531348 本文出自:[余志强的博客] 1 map操作符的作用 Returns an Observable that applies a specified function to each item emitted by the source Observable and emits the results of these function applicati…