SW-DP (Serial Wire Debug Port) Analyzer plugin for the Saleae Logic The SW-DP protocol is described by the following publicly available documents: DDI 0316 CoreSight™ DAP-Lite Technical Reference Manual Programming Internal Flash Over the Serial Wire…
1 Debug Interface Overview 1.1 Serial Wire Debug Serial Wire Debug (SWD) is a two-wire protocol for accessing the ARM debug interface. It is part of the ARM Debug Interface Specification v5 and is an alternative to JTAG. The physical layer of SWD con…
PSoC 5 supports programming through the serial wire debug (SWD) interface. There are two signals in SWD interface: data signal (SWDIO) and a clock for data signal (SWDCK). The host programmer always drives the clock line, whereas either the programme…
Serial Wire Debug (SWD) provides a debug port for severely pin limited packages, often the case for small package microcontrollers but also complex ASICs where limiting pin-count is critical and can be the controlling factor in device costs. SWD repl…
Implementation of Serial Wire JTAG flash programming in ARM Cortex M3 Processors The goal of the project was to use the Serial Wire JTAG protocol implemented in the ARM cortex processors for programming the flash memory of it. JTAG was actually imple…
Serial Wire Debugging the STM32 via the Bus Pirate 2 October 2010 Step 1 - The Bus Pirate Step 2 - Debug Port Communications Step 3 - Access Port Communications Step 4 - Processor State Step 5 - Programming the Flash Step 6 - Optimizing Conclusion So…
Being able to display values for counters, sensors and other debugging information is an important part of software development for microcontrollers.  Writing software for PCs is much easier in this regard as there is already a monitor to which you c…
Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700) 2014年11月14日 ⁄ 综合 ⁄ 共 446字 ⁄ 字号 小 中 大 ⁄ 评论关闭   在运行项目的时候,eclipse弹出提示框“Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700). Make sure you do not have another instance of DDMSor of the eclipse plugin running. If it's…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 在运行项目的时候,eclipse弹出提示框“Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700). Make sure you do not have another instance of DDMS or of the eclipse plugin running. If it's being used by something else, choose a new port number in the…
在eclipse.ini配置文件最后加上:-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true 其他类似…
Introducing swddude I love the ARM Cortex-M series of microcontrollers.   The sheer computational power they pack into a teensy, low-power package is almost embarrassing. But, many Cortex-M parts are small — 4x4 millimeters small — and don’t have the…
https://github.com/MarkDing/swd_programing_sram // // Copyright (c) 2013 SILICON LABORATORIES, INC. // // FILE NAME : 32bit_prog_defs.h // DESCRIPTION : ARM Serial Wire debug interface header file // #ifndef _32BIT_PROG_DEFS_ #define _32BIT_PROG_DEFS…
Serial Wire Debug interface The Serial Wire Debug protocol operates with a synchronous serial interface. This uses a single bidirectional data signal, and a clock signal. This section gives an overview of the physical Serial Wire Debug interface. Lin…
目录--点击可快速直达 目录 写在前面 1  SWD协议简介 2  SWD物理层协议解析 2.1  SWD通信时序分析 2.2  SWD 寄存器简介 2.2.1  DP寄存器 2.2.2  AP寄存器 2.3  SWD通信流程 2.3.1  SWD复位 2.3.2  SWD读IDCODE 2.3.3  SWD清除错误标志位,并且使能AP调试 2.3.4  SWD读取AP IDR(也就是AP寄存器的ID CODE) 2.3.5  SWD读写MCU任意寄存器 写在前面 最近由于公司需要,所以就做了个…
Test access port (TAP) JTAG defines a TAP (Test access port). The TAP is a general-purpose port that can provide access to many test support functions built into a component. It is composed as a minimum of the three input connections (TDI, TCK, TMS)…
Correctly installing OpenOCD includes making your operating system give OpenOCD access to debug adapters. Once that has been done, Tcl commands are used to select which one is used, and to configure how it is used. Note: Because OpenOCD started out w…
JTAG was the traditional mechanism for debug connections for ARM7/9 parts, but with the Cortex-M family, ARM introduced the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) Interface. SWD is designed to reduce the pin count required for debug from the 5 used by JTAG (includi…
http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/dapdebug/dapdebug_introduction.htm CMSIS-DAP is the interface firmware for a Debug Unit that connects the Debug Port to USB. Debuggers, which execute on a host computer, connect via USB to the Debug Unit and to th…
IBDAP-CMSIS-DAP Armstart's CMSIS-DAP firmware implementation in gcc and makefile. http://www.armstart.com IBDAP is a fully CMSIS-DAP compatible debug adapter. It provides vendor independent debug interface between your PC over USB and target ARM devi…
KL46 custom board SWD reset is never asserted Hi everybody, I'm trying to program a custom board based on the KL46. However the reset signal for the SWD port is stuck at logic LOW. My programmer is a P&E Multilink FX. I can successfully program my te…
SWD其实和JTAG类似,是一种调试串口. JTAG大致了解了一下.JTAG(Joint Test Action Group)主要4 lines:TMS(模式选择),TCK(时钟),TDI(数据输入),TDO(数据输出).都是串行总线.JTAG model中通过状态机的方式,对cmd进行解析后控制TMS和TDI的输出. SWD(Serial Wire Debug)主要2 lines: SWDIO(双向串行数据线),SWDCLK(串行时钟线,Master drive).协议:ARM CPU sta…
nRF52系列——nRF52832来袭 Nordic凭借着在无线技术的数十年深耕,推出第一个μBlue芯片-- nRF8001.其低功耗等特性在当时吸引了无数厂商的目光,并将这产品应用到多个领域,再之后,推出了超低功耗无线SoC nRF51系列,利用其高度整合.性能.灵活性和使用嵌入式协定堆叠在 SoC 上开发无线应用程序的易用性等优点将蓝牙无线应用简便性推前一大步.2015年6月,Nordic推出了其新一代的nRF52系列的超低功耗无线解决方案的首款产品nRF52832,nRF52832搭载 …
crystal-less 无晶振 USB  FS(Full-speed)此外还有High-speed接口(简称HS),Low-speed接口(简称LS) frequency频率 CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculation unit  循环冗余校验计算单元 standby模式:待机模式的意思 backup备份 crystal oscillator晶振 calibration校准 option选项 automatic trimming自动微调  trim修整的意…
LPC-Link2 CMSIS-DAP firmware source Hi, I'm using the CMSIS-DAP firmware with the LPC-Link2. I'd like to add some features (like a virtual COM port). I understand there is a reference implementation with available source code, which not directly rela…
About OpenOCD was created by Dominic Rath as part of a 2005 diploma thesis written at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg (http://www.hs-augsburg.de). Since that time, the project has grown into an active open-source project, supported by a d…
The mbed HDK and mbed-enabled hardware support the CMSIS-DAP debug interface, which consists of an abstraction of the Cortex Debug Access Port (DAP) command set over a driver-less USB HID connection. This provides a USB connection to the DAP that maj…
http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0499b/BEHEIHCE.html he ARM JTAG 20 connector is a 20-way 2.54mm pitch connector. It can be used in either standard JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) mode or Serial Wire Debug (SWD) mode. The following f…
通过strongerHuang的教程,实现了SWO的两种调试方法, 1.在keil调试的过程中,使用debug printf viewer打印信息, 2.在STM32 ST-LINK Utility中烧写程序并打印信息. 几点信息:摘录自https://www.strongerhuang.com SWD:Serial Wire Debug,串行线调试 SWO:Serial Wire Output,串行线输出 SWV:Serial Wire Viewer,串行线查看器 ITM:Instrument…
手动编译 编译器问题,肯定是GNU的大名鼎鼎的GCC了,与此相关的什么连接器,汇编器也都包含在内了. 针对arm的GCC,当然就是arm-linux-gcc了,我所用的版本就是友善之臂光盘自带arm-linux-gcc 4.4.3.也有资料说也可以用arm-elf-gcc,这个与arm-linux-gcc带的c库不同,是uclibc,更精简更适合嵌入式. 手动编译需要我们自己写Makefile文件,涉及到编译过程的依赖等细节问题.在我们实际开发中,可以不通过这种方式,但是需要了解这个过程. 自动…