Google Code Jam Africa 2010 Qualification Round Problem B. Reverse Words Problem Given a list of space separated words, reverse the order of the words. Each line of text contains L letters…
Google Code Jam Qualification Round Africa 2010 Problem A. Store Credit Problem You receive a credit C at a local store and would like to buy two items. You first walk through the store an…
Facebook Hacker Cup 2014 Qualification Round比赛Square Detector题的解题报告.单击这里打开题目链接(国内访问需要那个,你懂的). 原题如下: Square Detector Problem Description You want to write an image detection system that is able to recognize different geometric shapes. In the first ver…
2014 Qualification Round Solutions 2013年11月25日下午 1:34 ...最简单的一题又有bug...自以为是真是很厉害! 1. Square Detector (20 Points) When facing a problem in a programming contest there are three main things to consider when planning your solution. In order of importanc…
Google Code Jam Qualification Round Africa 2010 的第一题,很简单. Problem You receive a credit C at a local store and would like to buy two items. You first walk through the store and create a list L of all available items. From this list you would like to b…
Problem B. Infinite House of Pancakes Problem's Link: Mean: 有无限多个盘子,其中有n个盘子里面放有饼,每分钟你可以选择两种操作中的一种: 1.n个盘子里面的饼同时减少1: 2.选择一个盘子里面的饼,分到其他盘子里面去: 目标是让盘子里的饼在最少的分钟数内吃完,问最少的分钟数. analyse: 可以分析出,先…
本题的 Large dataset 本人尚未解决. Problem So you've registered. We sent you a welcoming email, to welcome you to code jam. But it's possible that you still don't feel welcomed to code jam. That's w…