最近在搞Ocr相关的windows universal app, 用到了一些图像处理相关的知识. 涉及到了BitmapDecoder/BitmapEncoder/IRandomAccessStream等类,下面总结了IRandomAccessStream的一些扩展方法,以后还会慢慢加上其他常用的. public static class RandomAccessStreamExtension { /// <summary> /// Retrieves an adjusted thumbnail…
You have to get meta information of cobertura.jar with command "unzip -q -c cobertura.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF". It's too long to write so we gonna create a shortcut "getmeta" for this command. Then we can use "getmeta cobertura&q…
CabArc n D:\test.cab D:\output\*.* CabArc x D:\test.cab -r -p D:\output\*.*…
OS : Windows open cmd fsutil file createnew file_name 1073741824 // 1GB fsutil file createnew file_name 1048576 // 1MB fsutil file createnew file_name 1024 // 1KB fsutil file createnew file_name 1 // 1B Reference: https://www.foolegg.com/how-to-creat…
来源 : http://www.cnblogs.com/jimmyzheng/archive/2012/03/17/2402814.html 系列 目前只作为个人参考. 微软的 stream 结构老大是 Stream(抽象类) -> TextReader(抽象类) -> StreamReader(实体类) -> MemoryStream(实体类),FileStream...等等第4层比较具体了,比较是针对性的类了 basic : 1 bit ( 1个2进制 )8 bit = 1 byte…
一.引言 Windows Thumbnail Handler是Windows平台下用来为关联的文件类型提供内容预览图的一套COM接口.通过实现Thumbnail相关的COM接口,就可以为为自定义的文件格式提供内容预览图.如下图所示: Thumbnail handler以COM组件的形式注册使用.因此,如果我们想给自己的文件格式开发一个Thumbnail Handler以提供内容预览图,要以COM组件的开发方式进行开发.本人在之前并没有相关的COM开发经验,对于COM组件相关的概念.线程模型及原理…
APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.Checked for relevance on 17 April 2012 PURPOSE This note will discuss resizing of Oracle datafiles (larger or smaller) SC…
https://www.2daygeek.com/how-to-create-extend-swap-partition-in-linux-using-lvm/ BY RAMYA NUVVULA · PUBLISHED : MARCH 28, 2018 || LAST UPDATED: MARCH 28, 2018   We are using LVM for flexible volume management so, why can’t we use LVM for swap space?…
1.首先创建用户username以及密码passwd,授权主机localhost. create user ‘username’@'localhost' identified by 'passwd' 创建了用户后,如果不对用户进行授权的话,则此用户只是对test库具有所有的权限,对于其他的所有库都没有权限. 此时这个用户的状态应该是这样的: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------…
有时候在提交的时候,中间提交出错,导致有文件被lock,所以会报下面的错误: fatal: Unable to create ‘/msg/.git/index.lock’: File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is…
How to create multiple mysql instance in CentOS 6.4 and Red Hat 6.4 from:http://sharadchhetri.com/2013/12/02/create-multiple-mysql-instance-centos-6-4-red-hat-6-4/ December 2, 2013 by sharad chhetri 6 Comments In this tutorial we will learn about how…
  最近在验证.测试备份有效性时,遇到了"ORA-01180: can not create datafile 1"这个错误,顺便结合metalink的官方文档"RMAN restore fails with ORA-01180: can not create datafile 1 (文档 ID 1265151.1)"里面的内容做一个学习.归纳.总结,顺便加深一下理解. creating datafile fno=1 name=/u01/oradata/SCM2/s…
在C#中,使用system.IO.File.Create()创建完一个文件之后,如果需要对这个文件进行写操作,会出现错误,提示你“这个文件正在被使用”. 原因是System.IO.File.Create()返回的是一个FileStream,这个需要关闭,才能对其创建的文件进行写操作.有两种方法: 1. 直接关闭,像这样:System.IO.File.Create("the path of the file").Close(); 2. 使用using自动关闭: using(System.…
In the previous tutorial, you learned how to create a reusable knob control. However, it might not be obvious how to make it easy for other developers to reuse it. One way to share it would be to provide the source code files directly. However, this…
How to create a Windows Server 2008 cluster from the command line? Creating a cluster in Server 2008 using the cluster.exe command follows essentially the same process as creating a cluster by using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Failover Clu…
http://blog.itpub.net/26655292/viewspace-2131269/ ########Q&A issue1:ORA-01180: can not create datafile 1ORA-01110: data file 1: '/u01/system01.dbf' solution:rman target / catalog rman11g/rman11g@cat11g ########## [root@SsevendbS01 rman]# su - oracle…
The Chapter3 & Chapter4 of this book tells you how to create a realistic app on the web through the lab. That is really amazing when you finished yourself. I will show you how to make it as follows. FIRST OF ALL, we need a plan of how to make an appl…
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+LZO LanguageManual LZO     Skip to end of metadata   Created by Lefty Leverenz, last modified on Sep 19, 2017 Go to start of metadata   LZO Compression LZO Compression General LZO Concep…
[转]Create Hello-JNI with Android Studio From:https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android-studio-jni/index.html?index=..%2F..%2Findex#4 访问需要FQ. 没有翻译成中文是因为图片很详细,看不懂英文,根据图片一步一步也能完成.另外开发人员应该具备阅读英文技术博客的能力. 1. Overview In this codelab, you'll l…
Historically, the npm init command was solely use to create a new package.json file. However, as of npm version 6.1, you can now use a new feature of npm init called the . The initializer you provide will determine how your new application will be bu…
In this lesson we will look at pulling out complex npm script logic into an external JavaScript file. Instead of writing bash scripts you can leverage your JavaScript abilities to automate your build process. We’ll use some helper node modules such a…
Did u have a problem whth the deepin file manager,Everthime I create/delete a Folder of File i have to refresh. When u right click->new Folder ->nothing happens ->then refresh->it is visble like this video apt-cache show dde-file-manager sudo…
this article show you how to create a SBT project with IDEA. prerequisite: 1.JDK8 2.Scala 2.11.8 3.Intellij IDEA 2016.3 1.create a new project from: File>New>Project…
本人老菜鸟一枚,不是因为偶是菜鸟中的老手,而是偶是老了但是还是很菜的鸟╮(╯▽╰)╭,不过打今儿起偶想要腾飞…… 今天写文本文件编辑类时遇到一个小问题,下面先将问题描述一下: 1.写文本文件时都会习惯性的判断一下文件是否存在,如果不存在就创建一个出来,也就是下面的代码 if (!File.Exists(logPath)) { File.Create(logPath); } 看起来似乎没什么问题,但是很不凑巧的,问题就是来了,下面几种写文本的方式,在第一次建立文本文件的时候数据都写不进去. Fil…
A module in Node.js is a logical encapsulation of code in a single unit. It's always a good programming practice to always segregate code in such a way that makes it more manageable and maintainable for future purposes. That's where modules in Node.j…
参考网站:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/walkthrough-creating-and-using-a-dynamic-link-library-cpp?view=msvc-160 This step-by-step walkthrough shows how to use the Visual Studio IDE to create your own dynamic link library (DLL) written in Micr…
Total Commander 8.52 Beta 1http://www.ghisler.com/852_b1.php 10.08.15 Release Total Commander 8.52 beta 1 (32/64) 05.08.15 Fixed: Windows 10: Loading drive buttonbar hanging on some devices (e.g. Surface Pro 3) when SD-Card was in internal card reade…
/*      设置圆角,通过layer中的cornerRadius和masksToBounds即可.            自适应图片宽高比例.通过UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit设置,注意这个UIImageView的frame就不是init中的数据了.            同样的UIImage图片放入不同frame中的UIImageView就可以实现比例缩放了.只是UIImageView的大小改变了, */     UIImage* image = [UIIm…
===================================================== ImageMagick的使用和开发的文章: 小试ImageMagik--使用篇 小试ImageMagik--开发篇 ===================================================== 本文介绍使用ImageMagick开发程序的方法.ImageMagick安装之后就可以支持C/C++程序的开发,提供了3种接口.在这里首先介绍一下ImageMagick…
作为最流行的 JavaScript 开发框架,jQuery 在现在的 Web 开发项目中扮演着重要角色,它简化了 HTML 文档遍历,事件处理,动画以及 Ajax 交互,这篇文章特别收集了40个新鲜的 jQuery 插件,使您的网站对用户更友好. 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 精心挑选12款优秀 jQuery Ajax 分页插件 几款优秀的 JavaScript 表单美化和验证插件 经验分享:10个简单实用的 jQuery 代码片段 分享8款效果精美的 jQuery 加载进度条插件 精心挑选的优秀 J…