292. Nim Game】的更多相关文章

292. Nim Game You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: There is a heap of stones on the table, each time one of you take turns to remove 1 to 3 stones. The one who removes the last stone will be the winner. You will take the first tur…
lc 292 Nim Game 292 Nim Game You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: There is a heap of stones on the table, each time one of you take turns to remove 1 to 3 stones. The one who removes the last stone will be the winner. You will tak…
292. Nim Game(C++) You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: There is a heap of stones on the table, each time one of you take turns to remove 1 to 3 stones. The one who removes the last stone will be the winner. You will take the firs…
344. Reverse String /** * @param {string} s * @return {string} */ var reverseString = function(s) { return s.split("").reverse().join(""); }; 292. Nim Game 尼姆游戏还是很有意思的,这题有很多地方可以深入理解 /** * @param {number} n * @return {boolean} */ var ca…
problem 292. Nim Game solution class Solution { public: bool canWinNim(int n) { ; } }; 来generalize一下这道题,当可以拿1-n个石子时,那么个数为(n+1)的整数倍时一定会输,我们试着证明一下这个结论,若当前共有m*(n+1)个石子,那么: 当m=1时,即剩n+1个的时候,肯定会输,因为不管你取1-n中的任何一个数字,另一个人都可以取完. 当m>1时,即有m*(n+1)的时候,不管你先取1-n中的任何…
292. Nim游戏 class Solution(object): def canWinNim(self, n): """ :type n: int :rtype: bool """ return n % 4 != 0 # return not (n%4==0) """ 你和你的朋友,两个人一起玩 Nim游戏:桌子上有一堆石头,每次你们轮流拿掉 1 - 3 块石头. 拿掉最后一块石头的人就是获胜者.你作为先手. 你…
变型:如果是最后拿走所有石子那个人输,则f[0] = true 394. Coins in a Line dp[n]表示n个石子,先手的人,是必胜还是必输.拿1个石子,2个石子之后都是必胜,则当前必败:拿1个石子,2个石子之后都是必败,则当前必胜:如果拿1个石子,2个石子之后有必败,则当前必胜. class Solution { public: /** * @param n: An integer * @return: A boolean which equals to true if the…
292. Nim 游戏 你和你的朋友,两个人一起玩 Nim 游戏:桌子上有一堆石头,每次你们轮流拿掉 1 - 3 块石头. 拿掉最后一块石头的人就是获胜者.你作为先手. 你们是聪明人,每一步都是最优解. 编写一个函数,来判断你是否可以在给定石头数量的情况下赢得游戏. 示例: 输入: 4 输出: false 解释: 如果堆中有 4 块石头,那么你永远不会赢得比赛: 因为无论你拿走 1 块.2 块 还是 3 块石头,最后一块石头总是会被你的朋友拿走. 巴什博奕,n%(m+1)!=0时,先手总是会赢的…
Question 292. Nim Game Solution 思路:试着列举一下,就能发现一个n只要不是4的倍数,就能赢. n 是否能赢 1 true 2 true 3 true 4 false 不论删除几,对方都能一把赢 5 true 删除1,还剩4,对方先手,对方输 6 true 删除2,还剩4,对方先手,对方输 7 true 删除3,还剩4,对方先手,对方输 8 false 不论删除几,都能被对方造成还剩4,已方先手,我们就输 9 true 10 true Java实现: public…
Problem: You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: There to stones. The one who removes the last stone will be the winner. You will take the first turn to remove the stones. Both of you are very clever and have optimal strategies for t…