Question i've deployed the jboss-as-helloworld-errai application in my standalone jboss7.1 instance, and i've delete it latter ( in the */standalone/deployments folder). But every time i restart my server it deploy again that application. Is there an…
简介 远程部署漏洞属于服务器.中间件配置问题,攻击者可通过远程部署漏洞获取系统权限,远程部署漏洞经常出现在Tomcat.Jboss.Weblogic等web容器之上. 0x01 ### tomcat部署war包 tomcat/tomcat POST /manager/html/upload;jsessionid=A0F8351E37AA865DDFC5EC921BFB4F9A?org.apache.catalina.…
.NET Multi-Tier Application Using Storage Tables, Queues, and Blobs - 1 of 5 This tutorial series shows how to create a multi-tier ASP.NET MVC 4 web application that uses Windows Azure Storage tables, queues, and blobs, and how to deploy the applicat…
pipline 写法分为 脚本式和声明式,下面采用脚本式编程: node { stage('checkout') { echo '开始检出代码' checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'e83d…
以客户角度来看,jar文件就是一种封装格式,用户不需要知道jar包中有多少个.class格式的文件及每个文件中的功能与作用,也可以得到相应的访问的结果.java中除了jar格式还有war和ear等包文件.   JAR WAR EAR 英文 Java Archive file Web Archive file Enterprise Archive file 包含内容 class.properties文件,是文件封装的最小单元:包含Java类的普通库.资源(resources).辅助文件(auxil…
#/bin/bash #带发布build的war包名称 war_name="weiFeng.war" war_dir="/home/deploy/wei_feng_targets/dev" code_dir="/home/deploy/wei_feng_targets/dev/deploy_files" tomcat_dir="/home/deploy/tomcat/tomcat-7.0.75-wei-feng-8081-8082&qu…
0.序 原文名称:Tomcat.Weblogic.JBoss.GlassFish.Resin.Websphere弱口令及拿webshell方法总结 原文from: 1.java应用服务器 Java应用服务器主要为应用程序提供运行环境,为组件提供服务.Java 的应用服务器很多,从功能上分为两类:JSP 服务器和 Java EE 服务器. 1.1 常见Java服务器 常见的Java服务器:Tomcat.Weblo…
目录 . 引言 . 黑客针对WEB Server会有那些攻击面 . 针对Tomcat Server可以做的安全加固 . Managing Security Realms with JMX . 实现对TOMCAT配置信息的动态修改(hot dynamic edit) . Tomcat manager弱口令入侵部署WEBSHELL防御 . Tomcat远程war包部署攻防 0. 引言 most weaknesses in Apache Tomcat come from incorrect or in…
Spring Data MongoDB example with Spring MVC 3.2 Here is another example web application built with Spring MVC 3.2 and Spring Data 1.2, integrating with the MongoDB document database. STEP 1: Create new webapp project, I will use maven for this. (Note…
weblogic reference from: Many times we want to secure our WebApplication Resources in such a way that if any Client is trying to access any Resource available as part of our Application using HTTP protocol t…