Workflow: Use this process to model and automate real world business processes. These processes can be configured to run in the background or in real time and can optionally require user input. Workflow processes can start automatically based on spec…
Chapter 1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 SDK Overview(SDK概述) You are probably reading this book because your organization recently purchased Microsoft Dynamics CRM or because your organization is evaluating it. As a developer, you want to know what this…
关注本人微信和易信公众号: 微软动态CRM专家罗勇 ,回复160或者20151014可方便获取本文,同时可以在第一时间得到我发布的最新的博文信息,follow me! 听人问起怎么读取到一封邮件所有的附件,有人说附件也是存储在注释实体(annotation)中,我的记忆中是一个另外一个实体,SDK中有如下的原文:An activity mime attachment represents an attachment to an email message or an email template…
The Challenge Oftentimes in the world of Dynamics CRM, the need arises for non-CRM users to gain access to CRM data. A common solution is the implementation of a web portal which allows these users to perform certain actions on applicable CRM data. M…
最近被 Dynamics CRM 的权限配置问题恶心了一个星期,老是报“Access Is Denied”,几经波折,最后终于找到一个比较合适的解决方案,写个博客 mark 下来,方便以后查看. 首先,介绍一下权限设置的要求: 1.在根 Business Unit 下建立好 Security Role,并根据文档要求赋予 Sense Role 相关 Entity 及 CRM 系统的操作权限: 2.建立多个 Team,每个 Team 都有各自的权限配置,给 Team Role 赋予不同的 Secu…
关注本人微信和易信公众号: 微软动态CRM专家罗勇 ,回复243或者20170111可方便获取本文,同时可以在第一间得到我发布的最新的博文信息,follow me!我的网站是 . Dynamics CRM SDK中的Query Data using the Web API介绍了Web API的使用,提到了标准的过滤操作,包括括号的使用(叫做分组操作符),举得例子是 (contains(name,'sample') or contains(name,'test'))…
Type Limitation Capabilities Usage Images JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO Custom entity icons Icons for custom Ribbon controls and SiteMap subareas Decorative graphics for entity forms and Web page Web resources. Background images that are used by CSS Web …
The key advantage of late bound entity classes is that customer entities and attributes not avaliable at complie time can still be referenced by geneic Entity("") class, these custom object are checked at run time only. The key difference betwee…