## #the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys,random from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE) left = (200,300) right = (600,300) red…
#the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys import random from pygame.locals import * #creat the subject information function def sub_info(): sub_ID = input("please input your number: ") sub…
#the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys import random from pygame.locals import * #creat the subject information function def sub_info(): sub_ID = input("please input your number: ") sub…
编译报错:The android.dexOptions.incremental property is deprecated and it has no effect on the build process. android.dexOptions.incremental属性已被弃用,它对构建过程没有影响. 处理方法:app的build.gradle修改 去掉 incremental true //设置虚拟机堆内存空间大小,避免在编译期间OOM dexOptions { // increme…
#the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys import random from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE) left = (200,300) right = (600,300)…
Option 1 (recommended): Use the fn cli tool We recommend using the fn cli tool which will handle all of this for you. But if you'd like to dig in and customize your images, look at Option 2. Option 2: Build your own images Packaging a function has…
@http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/cvpr2015papers/ CVPR 2015 papers (in nicer format than this) maintained by @karpathy NEW: This year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interf…
原文: https://code.google.com/p/googlemock/wiki/CookBook Creating Mock Classes Mocking Private or Protected Methods Mocking Overloaded Methods Mocking Class Templates Mocking Nonvirtual Methods Mocking Free Functions The Nice, the Strict, and the Naggy…