angular directive 深入理解】的更多相关文章

由于业务的需要,最近angular 的diretive 研究的比较多,有和同事一起共同协作开发scada的项目, 对directive 有了进一步更深的理解. 感觉才开始真正理解了这句话的意思: In an AngularJS directive the scope allows you to access the data in the attributes of the element to which the directive is applied 这句话,感觉道出了diretive的原…
angular directive scope 1.当directive 中不指定scope属性,则该directive 直接使用 app 的scope: 2.当directive 中指定scope属性时,scope作用域有3种方式: 2.1 .   = : 代表数据双向绑定,只要该属性发生改变 ,app(即父作用域) 中scope对应的值和 directive中对应的值将同时发生改变 : 2.2 .   @ : 代表数据单向绑定,该值的改变只会影响directive ,不会影响app(即父作用…
项目中断断续续的用了下angular,也没狠下心 认真的学习.angular 特别是自定义指令这块 空白. transclude 定义是否将当前元素的内容转移到模板中.看解释有点抽象. 看解释有点抽象Demo: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" ng-app='myApp'> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Angularjs</…
angular.module('myApp', []) .directive('myDirective', function() { return { restrict: String, priority: Number, terminal: Boolean, template: String or Template Function: function(tElement, tAttrs) {...}, templateUrl: String, replace: Boolean or Strin…
“指令之之所以要定义成指令就是为了复用!” 指令一定是可以用在不同的controller里面的,为了在不同的controller去使用它,我们一定要给指定的配置项一个指令.这样才能跟外面的控制器进行交互. 举例如下: html: <div ng-controller="MyCtrl"> <loader howToLoad="loadData()">滑动加载</loader> </div> <div ng-cont…
使用angular resource载入中priorityData.json中间json数据,结合D3绘制甜甜圈图.执行index.html其结果见于图.: priorityData.json中json数据例如以下: { "priority":{ "Blocker":12, "Critical":18, "Major":5, "Minor":30, "Trivial":24 } } in…
 Just like passing in an array to *ngFor, you can pass in any value into your structural directive so that it can render templates based on those values. It's crucial to understand how the *directive syntax expands into a <template> and adds a custo…
Just like in *ngFor, you're able to pass in data into your own structural directives. This is done by declaring the variable using a let statement then passing context into the createEmbeddedView call. We know *ngFor we did like this: *ngFor="let mes…
1.restrict (字符串)可选参数,指明指令在DOM里面以什么形式被声明: 取值有:E(元素),A(属性),C(类),M(注释),其中默认值为A: E(元素):<directiveName></directiveName>A(属性):<div directiveName='expression'></div>C(类):   <div class='directiveName'></div>M(注释):<--directiv…
先来看一下自定义指令的写法 app.directive('', ['', function(){ // Runs during compile return { // name: '', // priority: 1, // terminal: true, // scope: {}, // {} = isolate, true = child, false/undefined = no change // controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs…