[Hive - LanguageManual] VirtualColumns】的更多相关文章

Virtual Columns Simple Examples Virtual Columns Hive 0.8.0 provides support for two virtual columns: One is INPUT__FILE__NAME, which is the input file's name for a mapper task. the other is BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, which is the current global fil…
LanguageManual WindowingAndAnalytics     Skip to end of metadata   Added by Lefty Leverenz, last edited by Lefty Leverenz on Aug 01, 2014  (view change) show comment Go to start of metadata   Windowing and Analytics Functions Windowing and Analytics…
Hive Operators and User-Defined Functions (UDFs) Hive Operators and User-Defined Functions (UDFs) Built-in Operators Relational Operators Arithmetic Operators Logical Operators Complex Type Constructors Operators on Complex Types Built-in Functions M…
LanguageManual ImportExport     Skip to end of metadata   Added by Carl Steinbach, last edited by Lefty Leverenz on May 14, 2013  (view change) show comment Go to start of metadata   Import/Export Import/Export Overview Export Syntax Import Syntax Ex…
LanguageManual DML Hive Data Manipulation Language Hive Data Manipulation Language Loading files into tables Syntax Synopsis Notes Inserting data into Hive Tables from queries Syntax Synopsis Notes Dynamic Partition Inserts Example Additional Documen…
Alter Table/Partition/Column Alter Table Rename Table Alter Table Properties Alter Table Comment Add SerDe Properties Alter Table Storage Properties Additional Alter Table Statements Alter Partition Add Partitions Dynamic Partitions Rename Partition…
hive语法规则LanguageManual DDL SQL DML 和 DDL 数据操作语言 (DML) 和 数据定义语言 (DDL) 一.数据库 增删改都在文档里说得也很明白,不重复造车轮 二.表 1.创建table重点解析如下 Create Table eg1:基础创建方式 create table if not exists default.cenzhongman ( ip string COMMENT 'this is ip', name string ) COMMENT 'this…
Status of Hive Authorization before Hive 0.13 SQL Standards Based Hive Authorization (New in Hive 0.13) Restrictions on Hive Commands and Statements Privileges Objects Object Ownership Users and Roles Names of Users and Roles Role Management Commands…
Hive Concurrency Model Hive Concurrency Model Use Cases Turn Off Concurrency Debugging Configuration Locking in Hive Transactions Use Cases Concurrency support (http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-1293) is a must in databases and their use case…
EXPLAIN Syntax EXPLAIN Syntax Hive provides an EXPLAIN command that shows the execution plan for a query. The syntax for this statement is as follows: EXPLAIN [EXTENDED|DEPENDENCY|AUTHORIZATION] query AUTHORIZATION is supported from HIVE 0.14.0 via H…
Sampling Syntax Sampling Bucketized Table Block Sampling Sampling Syntax  抽样语法 Sampling Bucketized Table table_sample: TABLESAMPLE (BUCKET x OUT OF y [ON colname]) The TABLESAMPLE clause allows the users to write queries for samples of the data inste…
Subqueries in the FROM Clause Subqueries in the WHERE Clause Subqueries in the FROM Clause SELECT ... FROM (subquery) name ... SELECT ... FROM (subquery) AS name ...   (Note: Only valid starting with Hive 0.13.0) Hive supports subqueries only in the…
Lateral View Syntax Description Example Multiple Lateral Views Outer Lateral Views Lateral View Syntax lateralView: LATERAL VIEW udtf(expression) tableAlias AS columnAlias (',' columnAlias)* fromClause: FROM baseTable (lateralView)* Description Later…
Union Syntax select_statement UNION ALL select_statement UNION ALL select_statement ... UNION is used to combine the result from multiple SELECT statements into a single result set. Hive currently only supports UNION ALL (bag union), in which duplica…
Join Optimization Join Optimization Improvements to the Hive Optimizer Star Join Optimization Star Schema Example Prior Support for MAPJOIN Limitations of Prior Implementation Enhancements for Star Joins Optimize Chains of Map Joins Current and Futur…
Hive Joins Hive Joins Join Syntax Examples MapJoin Restrictions Join Optimization Predicate Pushdown in Outer Joins Enhancements in Hive Version 0.11 Join Syntax Hive supports the following syntax for joining tables: join_table:     table_reference J…
Documentation for Built-In User-Defined Functions Related To XPath UDFs xpath, xpath_short, xpath_int, xpath_long, xpath_float, xpath_double, xpath_number, xpath_string Functions for parsing XML data using XPath expressions. Since version: 0.6.0 Over…
Transform/Map-Reduce Syntax SQL Standard Based Authorization Disallows TRANSFORM TRANSFORM Examples Schema-less Map-reduce Scripts Typing the output of TRANSFORM Transform/Map-Reduce Syntax Users can also plug in their own custom mappers and reducers…
Syntax of Order By Syntax of Sort By Difference between Sort By and Order By Setting Types for Sort By Syntax of Cluster By and Distribute By Syntax of Order By The ORDER BY syntax in Hive QL is similar to the syntax of ORDER BY in SQL language. colO…
Group By Syntax Simple Examples Select statement and group by clause Advanced Features Multi-Group-By Inserts Map-side Aggregation for Group By Grouping Sets, Cubes, Rollups, and the GROUPING__ID Function Group By Syntax groupByClause: GROUP BY group…
Select Syntax WHERE Clause ALL and DISTINCT Clauses Partition Based Queries HAVING Clause LIMIT Clause REGEX Column Specification More Select Syntax GROUP BY SORT BY, ORDER BY, CLUSTER BY, DISTRIBUTE BY JOIN UNION ALL TABLESAMPLE Subqueries Virtual C…
Archiving for File Count Reduction Note: Archiving should be considered an advanced command due to the caveats involved. Archiving for File Count Reduction Overview Settings Usage Archive Unarchive Cautions and Limitations Under the Hood Overview Due…
Statistics in Hive Statistics in Hive Motivation Scope Table and Partition Statistics Column Statistics Top K Statistics Implementation Usage Configuration Variables Newly Created Tables Existing Tables Examples Current Status (JIRA) This document de…
Disclaimer Prerequisites Users, Groups, and Roles Names of Users and Roles Creating/Dropping/Using Roles Create/Drop Role Grant/Revoke Roles Viewing Granted Roles Privileges Grant/Revoke Privileges Viewing Granted Privileges Hive Operations and Requi…
Describe Describe Database Describe Table/View/Column Display Column Statistics Describe Partition Describe Database Version information Icon As of Hive 0.7. DESCRIBE DATABASE [EXTENDED] db_name; DESCRIBE SCHEMA [EXTENDED] db_name;     -- (Note: Hive…
Create/Drop/Grant/Revoke Roles and Privileges Hive Default Authorization - Legacy Mode has information about these DDL statements: CREATE ROLE GRANT ROLE REVOKE ROLE GRANT privilege_type REVOKE privilege_type DROP ROLE SHOW ROLE GRANT SHOW GRANT For …
Create/Drop/Alter View Create View Drop View Alter View Properties Alter View As Select Version information Icon View support is only available in Hive 0.6 and later. Create View CREATE VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] view_name [(column_name [COMMENT column_com…
Hive Data Definition Language Hive Data Definition Language Overview Create/Drop/Alter Database Create/Drop/Truncate Table Alter Table/Partition/Column Create/Drop/Alter View Create/Drop/Alter Index Create/Drop Function Create/Drop/Grant/Revoke Roles…
Hive Documentation https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Home 2016-12-22  14:52:41 ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) http://www.antlr.org/ 2016-12-15  22:59:16 UDF <LanguageManual UDF>:https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/displ…
Hive 是基于Hadoop 构建的一套数据仓库分析系统,它提供了丰富的SQL查询方式来分析存储在Hadoop 分布式文件系统中的数据,可以将结构 化的数据文件映射为一张数据库表,并提供完整的SQL查询功能,可以将SQL语句转换为MapReduce任务进行运行,通过自己的SQL 去查询分析需 要的内容,这套SQL 简称Hive SQL,使不熟悉mapreduce 的用户很方便的利用SQL 语言查询,汇总,分析数据.而mapreduce开发人员可以把 己写的mapper 和reducer 作为插件…