给一般用户授 create any procedure.execture any procedure 这2个权限是很不安全的事. 因为授权后,通过一些处理,该用户可以取得dba权限,请一定注意. 下面是实验过程: SQL> create user hacker identified by bbk; User created. SQL> grant create session to hacker; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant create any proced…
在批处理中加字段或表或视图或存储过程是否存在的判断 -----------------------------------------line------------------------------------------------- USE [p20-cy-2966]; /* V1.0.2版本SQL批处理 */ --判断某表的某字段是否存在 if (not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('BlanceManageO2…
1.ƒ()函数(右键)→新建函数(左键)→过程(选择) 2.会遇到的问题 问题一:因为sql语句默认以;为结束符,所以应该修改结束符,但是这在Navicat(11.1.13) for MySQL中是不需要的,否则将报错,导致不能创建成功.如图: 问题二:通常在命令行中我们会在创建存储过程开始这样写:create procedure XXX(......),但是这在Navicat(11.1.13) for MySQL中是不需要的,否则会报 1303-Can 't create a PROCEDUR…
Appendix B. Error Codes and MessagesTable of Contents B.1. Server Error Codes and MessagesB.2. Client Error Codes and MessagesThis appendix lists the errors that may appear when you call MySQL from any host language. The first list displays server er…
原文地址:MYSQL之错误代码----mysql错误代码与JAVA实现作者:戒定慧 his chapter lists the errors that may appear when you call MySQL from any host language. The first list displays server error messages. The second list displays client program messages. Server error informati…
First, I suggest that you review the following topic to learn how to show a custom set of objects in a ListView: How to: Display a List of Non-Persistent Objects.To create non-persistent objects based on a stored procedure, use the Session.GetObjects…
DEBUGGING STORED PROCEDURES Over the past several weeks, we’ve been working on debugging a stored procedure bug for a client. Coming from a software development background, I looked at the procedure like any piece of code — how can I debug the progra…
本文转自:http://www.oraclealchemist.com/oracle/easy-stored-procedure-output/ I answered a question on a DBA Forum today and I thought it was a common enough question to warrant a blog posting. Question: I am new to the wonderful world of Oracle. I want…
------Creating Stored Procedures in MySQL------ --Make sure you have version 5 of MySQL: SELECT VERSION(); +-----------+ | VERSION() | +-----------+ | 5.0.15-nt | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) --First pick a database to use (a procedure, l…
sqladminon September 26, 2018 In a DBA’s day to day activities, we are doing Archive operation on our transnational database servers to improve your queries and control the Disk space. The archive is a most expensive operation since its involved a hu…
先来看一小段代码 create procedure pr_bank(@bank_id int) as BEGIN select *from bank where bank_ID = @bank_id delete from bank where bank_ID=@bank_id insert into account(bank_id) values(@bank_id) END 一般分为十种情况,每种语法各不相同: 1. 创建语法 create proc | procedure pro_name…
Mysql每天执行计划,保留最新的10条数据,其余的删除 1.Mysql 保留最新的10条数据 sql语句: DELETE tb FROM tbname AS tb,( SELECT id FROM tbname ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 9,1 ) AS tmp WHERE tb.id<tmp.id 2.新建存储过程(Navicat中) CREATE PROCEDURE test() BEGIN DELETE tb FROM testdata AS tb,( SELECT…