sectional data interpolation in Tecplot】的更多相关文章

$!Varset |NumLoop|= $!Loop |NumLoop| $!Varset |num|=(|Loop|*+) $!RotateData ZoneList = [] Angle = |num| XVar = YVar = ZVar = NormalX = NormalY = NormalZ = $!LinearInterpolate SourceZones = [] DestinationZone = VarList = [-] LinearInterPConst = Linear…
Mathematics     One-Dimensional Interpolation There are two kinds of one-dimensional interpolation in MATLAB: Polynomial interpolation FFT-based interpolation Polynomial Interpolation The function interp1 performs one-dimensional interpolation, an im…
subroutine basis_function_b_val ( tdata, tval, yval ) ! !******************************************************************************* ! !! BASIS_FUNCTION_B_VAL evaluates the B spline basis function. ! ! ! Discussion: ! ! The B spline basis functio…
电脑配置: 操作系统:window 8.1 Matlab 2012a安装路径:D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a VS2010 : OpenCV 2.4.3:D:\Program Files\opencv 补充说明: 在配置前,先检查一下系统变量: 1.若缺少系统变量(该路径必须添加!!!): D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\runtime\win64 导致结果:程序无法正常启动0x000007b.请单击“确定”关闭应用程序 注意变量配置后…
interp1   %1-D data interpolation interpft  %使用fft算法插值     %将原数据x转换到频率域,再逆转换回来更密集的数据采样点 spline    %一维Cubic spline(三次样条) data interpolation interp2   %2-D data interpolation interp3   %3-D data interpolation (table lookup) 二维插值显示 [X,Y] =meshgrid(-3:.2…
#scatter fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(3,3,1)#3行3列 第一个图 n=128 X=np.random.normal(0,1,n) Y=np.random.normal(0,1,n) T=np.arctan2(Y,X)#T用来上色的 #plt.axes([0.025,0.025,0.95,0.95])#显示的范围 ax.scatter(X,Y,s=75,c=T,alpha=.5)#s表示点的大小,c表示颜色,用T的值来给c上色 plt.xl…
1.基础知识点回顾 1.plot(x, y, marker='D')表示绘制折线图,marker设置样式菱形. 2.scatter(x, y, marker='s', color='r')绘制散点图,红色正方形., y, 0.5, color='c')绘制柱状图,间距为0.5,原色. 4.hist(data,40,normed=1,histtype='bar',facecolor='yellowgreen',alpha=0.75)直方图. 5.设置x轴和y轴的坐标值: xlim(…
使用说明:图形绘制时的插值 interp1   %1-D data interpolation interpft  %使用fft算法插值     %将原数据x转换到频率域,再逆转换回来更密集的数据采样点 spline    %一维Cubic spline(三次样条) data interpolation interp2   %2-D data interpolation interp3   %3-D data interpolation (table lookup) 注:The interp2 …
绘制3D柱状图,其数据格式为,二维数组或三维数组. from numpy import * file=open('C:\\Users\\jyjh\\Desktop\\count.txt','r') arr=[] for i in file.readlines(): temp=[] for j in i.strip().split('\t'): temp.append(float(j)) arr.append(temp) import random import numpy as np impor…