iOS Programming Dynamic Type 1】的更多相关文章

iOS Programming Dynamic Type  2       You will need to update two parts of this view controller for Dynamic Type: the rows of your table view will grow or shrink in response to the user changing the preferred text size, and the BNRItemCell will need…
iOS Programming Dynamic Type 1  Dynamic Type is a technology introduced in iOS 7 that helps realize this goal by providing specifically designed text styles that are optimized for legibility. Dynamic Type 是从iOS7引入的技术来帮助实现这个目标通过提供专门设计的text styles 为了优化… 在iOS 8中,苹果引入了UITableView的一项新功能--Self Sizing Cells,对于不少开发者来说这是新SDK中一项非常有用的新功能.在iOS 8之前,如果想在表视图中展示可变高度的动态内容时,你需要手动计算行高,而Self Sizing Cells为展示动态内容提供了一个解决方案.以下是你使用Self Sizing Cells时需要注意的事项: 1.为原型单元格定义Auto L…
iOS Programming UIStoryboard In this chapter, you will use a storyboard instead. Storyboards are a feature of iOS that allows you to instantiate and lay out all of your view controllers in one XIB-like file. Additionally, you can wire up view control…
iOS Programming Web Services and UIWebView The work is divided into two parts. The first is connecting to and collecting data from a web service and using that data to create model objects. The second part is using the UIWebView class to display web…
iOS Programming UINavigationController the Settings application has multiple related screens of information: a list of settings (like Sounds), a detailed page for each setting, and a selection page for each detail. This type of interface is called a…
Introduction (已看) Prerequisites What Has Changed in the Sixth Edition? Our Teaching Philosophy How to Use This Book How This Book Is Ogranized Style Choices Typographical Conventions Necessary Hardware and Software 1. A Simple ios Application (已看) Cr…
Working with the Dynamic Type in C# by Camilo Rey…
iOS Programming Controlling Animations 动画 The word "animation" is derived from a Latin word that means "the act of bringing to life." Animations are what bring your applications to life, and when used appropriately, they can guide your…
iOS Programming NSUserDefaults  When you start an app for the first time, it uses its factory settings. As you use it, a good app learns your preferences. Where are your preferences stored? Inside each app bundle there is a plist that holds the user'…
iOS Programming Localization 本地化 Internationalization is making sure your native cultural information is not hard-coded into your application. 国际化确保你的本土信息不是硬编码进你的应用. By cultural information, we mean language, currency, date formats, number formats, a…
iOS Programming  UIWebView 1 Instances of UIWebView render web content. UIWebView可以显示web content. In fact, the Safari application on your device uses a UIWebView to render its web content. 事实上,Safari application 用了一个UIWebView 显示它的web content. In this…
iOS Programming Camera  2  1.1 Creating BNRImageStore The image store will fetch and cache the images as they are needed. It will also be able to flush the cache if the device runs low on memory.   Create a new NSObject subclass called BNRImageStore.…
 iOS Programming Camera  1 1 Displaying Images and UIImageView 1.1  put an instance of UIImageView on the screen. Then drag an instance of UIImageView onto the view and position it below the label. A UIImageView displays an image according to its con…
iOS programming  Code Snippet Library  The freebie code comes from the code snippet library. 代码来自code snippet library. Notice that there are a number of code snippets available 有许多code snippets available . Click the Edit button on the code snippet de…
iOS programming  UITableView and UITableViewController A UITableView displays a single column of data with a variable number of rows. UITableView 展示单列数据和不定数量的行.    Create a new iOS Empty Application project and configure it 1.1 UITableViewController…
iOS programming Delegation and Text Input  1.1 Text Fields    CGRect textFieldRect = CGRectMake(40, 70, 240, 30);UITextField *textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:textFieldRect]; // Setting the border style on the text field will allow us t…
iOS Programming View Controllers  视图控制器  1.1  A view controller is an instance of a subclass of UIViewController. 一个view controller 是一个UIViewController的子类. A view controller manages a view hierarchy. 一个view controller 管理一个视图树. It is responsible for c…
iOS Programming  View and View Hierarchy 视图和视图等级 1.1(1)File → New → Project.. From the iOS section, select Application, choose the Empty Application template, and click Next. 1.2 View Basics  (1)A view is an instance of UIView or one of its subclasse…
动态类型的关键是将动态对象与实际类型信息绑定. See also: Dynamic programming language and Interpreted language Dynamic type checking is the process of verifying the type safety of a program at runtime. Implementations of dynamically type-checked languages generally associa…
啥是 Dynamic Type 动态字体,即视力不好的用户,调整了默认字体的大小,开发者应该根据这个设置,动态改变界面的字体等,保证用户能看得清楚. 这个还是蛮重要的,视力不好的人越来越多. 用户在哪里调整  打开了开关之后,底部明显调整更大了.  开发者怎么知道用户设置了多大的字体 通过监听一个通知即可 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIContentSizeCategoryDidCh…
内部分享: Head First iOS Programming…
iOS Programming Recipe 6: Creating a custom UIView using a Nib JANUARY 7, 2013 BY MIKETT 12 COMMENTS Creating a custom UIView using a Nib Assumptions You are familiar with creating UIView subclasses, and instantiating UIView’s both from a Nib file or…
iOS Programming Autorotation, Popover Controllers, and Modal View Controllers  自动旋转,Popover 控制器,Modal view controller  1.  In this chapter, you are going to make four changes to Homepwner's behavior that will tailor the app's behavior to whatever dev…
iOS Programming State Restoration 状态存储 If iOS ever needs more memory and your application is in the background, Apple might kill it to return memory to the system. 如果iOS 需要更多的memory,你的应用在后台,apple 可能杀死它来得到更多的内存给系统. This should be transparent to your u…
iOS Programming UISplitViewController  The iPad, on the other hand, has plenty of screen space to present both views using a built-in class called UISplitViewController. iPad 有足够的屏幕空间来展现两个view用built-in 类称为UISplitViewController. UISplitViewController…
iOS Programming Subclassing UITableViewCell  1.Creating BNRItemCell UITableViewCell is a UIView subclass. UITableViewCell是UIView的子类. When subclassing UIView (or any of its subclasses), you often override its drawRect: method to customize the view's a…
iOS Programming  Auto Layout: Programmatic Constraints  1.  However, if your views are created in code, then you will need to constrain them programmatically. 如果你的view是由代码创建的,那么你需要用编程限制它了. To have a view to work with, you are going to recreate the im…
iOS Programming Introduction to Auto Layout   自动布局 A single application that runs natively on both the iPad and the iPhone is called a universal application. 一个原生的能运行在iPad 和iPhone 的应用叫做universal application  Then select the Homepwner target in the pr…
iOS  Programming  UIGestureRecognizer and UIMenuController A UIGestureRecognizer intercepts touches that are on their way to being handled by a view. 一个UIGestureRecognizer拦截touches 在他们被一个view处理的路上. When it recognizes a particular gesture, it sends a…