#include <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> // Define a callback to be called when the sound is finished // playing. Useful when you need to free memory after playing. static void MyCompletionCallback ( Sy…
http://www.mirkosertic.de/doku.php/javastuff/javafxgameauthoring —————————————————————————————————————————————————— A JavaFX based Game Authoring System A few weeks ago I decided to enhance my knowledge in game coding, so I bought two very interestin…
Mirror of Apple’s iOS samples This repository mirrors Apple’s iOS samples. Name Topic Framework Description ABUIGroups Data Management(Contact Data) AddressBook ABUIGroups shows how to check and request access to a user’s address book database. It al…
from:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229335.aspx 我们平时在VS.net里引用的那些类库就是从这里来的 The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundat…
iOS Developer LibraryDeveloper Search Local and Push Notification Programming Guide PDF Table of Contents Introduction Local and Push Notifications in Depth Scheduling, Registering, and Handling Notifications Apple Push Notification Service Provision…
Windows 常量定义在winuser.h中可以找到,如果了安装了visual studio 2010,winuser.h所在目录为C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include /***************************************************************************** ** winuser.h -- USER procedure declarations,…
Overview of .rdp file settings Setting Type Default value Description and possible values Settable from RDC GUI? RDP+ equivalent 5.1 5.2 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.1 8.0 8.1 administrative session i 0 Connect to the administrative session of the remote computer.…
qt 多媒体模块介绍 类名 英文描述 中文描述 QAudioBuffer Represents a collection of audio samples with a specific format and sample rate 表示具有特定格式和采样率的音频样本的集合 QAudioBuffer::StereoFrame Simple wrapper for a stereo audio frame 立体声音频框架的简单包装 QAudioDecoder Allows decoding aud…
On this page you will find an overview of most of the available .rdp file settings which can be used with the /o command line switch. All settings must be specified using the .rdp file style syntax: option:type:value Examples: alternate shell:s:notep…
qt 多媒体模块介绍 类名 英文描述 中文描述 QAudioBuffer Represents a collection of audio samples with a specific format and sample rate 表示具有特定格式和采样率的音频样本的集合 QAudioBuffer::StereoFrame Simple wrapper for a stereo audio frame 立体声音频框架的简单包装 QAudioDecoder Allows decoding aud…
https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Latency_Compensating_Methods_in_Client/Server_In-game_Protocol_Design_and_Optimization Overview Designing first-person action games for Internet play is a challenging process. Having robust on-line gameplay in…
http://www.pocketables.com/2013/03/overview-of-pocketables-tasker-articles.html I write a lot about Tasker, and the problem is that the more articles there are, the harder it is to find everything. This post will serve as a launch platform for Tasker…
转自:http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/ There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the availabl…
A list of the standard attributes that you can use in themes can be found at R.styleable.Theme. Constants AbsListView_cacheColorHint Indicates that this list will always be drawn on top of solid, single-color opaque background. AbsListView_choiceMode…
1. Displaying Data with Core UI Elements (已看) 2. Responding to User Events for Interactive UIs (已看) 3. Inventory UIs (已看) 4. Playing and Manipulating Sounds 5. Creating Textures, Maps, and Materials 6. Shader Graphs and Video Players 7. Using Cameras…
http://www.procedural-worlds.com/blog/best-free-unity-assets-categorised-mega-list/ BEST FREE UNITY ASSETS – OVER 200 CURATED QUALITY ASSETS Kick-start your game with a categorized curated list of over 200 high quality FREE assets! FREE as in AWESO…
JustWeEngine - Android FrameWork An easy open source Android Native Game FrameWork. Github Game core graph How To Import? Import Engine as Library to use; OR Import *.jar in "/jar"; OR use Gradle to build: Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to y…
Predefined soundsThere are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown below (from 2.0 to 5.0 beta). The system sounds are all stored in /System/Library/Audio/UISounds/. Sound IDFile name (iPho…
http://www.slideshare.net/invalidname/core-midi-and-friends 31 of 31 Core MIDI and Friends 8,215 views Share Like Chris Adamson , Developer, Author at Subsequently and Furthermore, Inc. Follow 0 1 0 Published on Nov 7, 2011 Cocoa…