How Google TestsSoftware - Part Five】的更多相关文章

One of the key ways Google achievesgood results with fewer testers than many companies is that we rarely attemptto ship a large set of features at once. In fact, the exact opposite is oftenthe goal: build the core of a product and release it the mome…
This is the firstin a series of posts on this topic.The one question I get morethan any other is "How does Google test?" It's been explained in bitsand pieces on this blog but the explanation is due an update. The Googletesting strategy has neve…
Lots of questions in thecomments to the last two posts. I am not ignoring them. Hopefully many of themwill be answered here and in following posts. I am just getting started on thistopic.At Google, quality is notequal to test. Yes I am sure that is t…
In order for the "you buildit, you break it" motto to be real, there are roles beyond the traditionaldeveloper that are necessary. Specifically, engineering roles that enable developersto do testing efficiently and effectively have to exist. At…
Instead of distinguishingbetween code, integration and system testing, Google uses the language ofsmall, medium and large tests emphasizing scope over form. Small tests coversmall amounts of code and so on. Each of the three engineering roles mayexec…
SETs are Software Engineersin Test. They are software engineers who happen to write testing functionality.First and foremost, SETs are developers and the role is touted as a 100% codingrole in our recruiting literature and internal job promotion ladd…
New material for the thisseries is coming more slowly. I am beginning to get into areas where I want tostart posting screen shots of internal Google tools and describe how ourinfrastructure works. This is material that takes longer to develop and als…
Google是如何做测试的?(一.二) 导读:本文译自 James Whittaker 在 Google 测试官方博客发表的文章<How Google TestsSoftware >. 在所有我被问及的问题中,最多的就是关于谷歌是如何测试的.尽管在博客中(google testing blog)中有过零碎的解释说明,但还是需要更多的系统阐述.虽然谷歌的技术路线在执行的过程中不断地进化,但公司的测试策略却从来没有变化过.谷歌现在是一家拥有搜索.应用.广告.移动.操作系统等产品的公司,我们在这些涉…
1.介绍 双因素认证:双因素身份认证就是通过你所知道再加上你所能拥有的这二个要素组合到一起才能发挥作用的身份认证系统.双因素认证是一种采用时间同步技术的系统,采用了基于时间.事件和密钥三变量而产生的一次性密码来代替传统的静态密码.每个动态密码卡都有一个唯一的密钥,该密钥同时存放在服务器端,每次认证时动态密码卡与服务器分别根据同样的密钥,同样的随机参数(时间.事件)和同样的算法计算了认证的动态密码,从而确保密码的一致性,从而实现了用户的认证.因每次认证时的随机参数不同,所以每次产生的动态密码也不同…
系统:centos6.6 下载google身份验证包google-authenticator-master(其实只是一个.zip文件,在windwos下解压,然后传进linux) #cd /data/google-authenticator-master/libpam #yum install libtool –y (这个一定要装了,要不下面安装时会有报错) #cp (下面编译安装的时候需要这个文件) #./ #./co…