#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- __authour__='CC' from Tkinter import *import osimport telnetlibimport timeimport shutilimport socketimport paramikoimport globimport reimport threading def thread_it(func, *args): '''将函数打包进线程''' # 创建 t = threading.Thread(target=…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#from ftplib import FTP __authour__='CC' import osimport telnetlibimport timeimport shutilimport socket#import pdbimport paramikofrom Tkinter import *import globimport re def get_version_path(n1,n2,n3): if(int(n2)==0 and int(n1…
Following content is reprinted from here, please go to the original website for more information. Author: Alex Shevchuk Introduction A typical Major Upgrade removes a previous version of an application and installs a new version.  This blog will guid…
jQuery的属性support是判断浏览器之间是否兼容的模块 ,该模块包含了leadingWhitespace,tbody,htmlSerialize,style,hrefNormalized,opacity,cssFloat,checkOn,optSelected,getSetAttribute....等兼容问题,所有的这些属性也只是jQuery内部会用到,因为jQ内部一些模块需要对这些东西进行判断, 就直接写成了一个support模块, 可以供我们, 但是我们写代码的时基本都没用到啊, 今…
(*********************************************************************************) (* *) (* Below is the list of support classes that can be used from within the Pascal *) (* script. There are also three support objects available: MainForm of type *…
在网上看到了一个非常好的JS烟雾效果 https://paveldogreat.github.io/WebGL-Fluid-Simulation/看源码时发现了dat.gui很好用. dat.gui 快速参数配置生成源码地址:https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui stats.js 图形化统计性能及计数源码地址:https://github.com/mrdoob/stats.js 效果如下: 代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang…
MsgBox http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=isxfunc_msgbox ExpandConstant http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=isxfunc_expandconstant DelTree http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=isxfunc_deltree Event Functions The…
At the moment I believe that there is no any Android Developer who doesn't know about Material Design anymore since it officially becomes a design philosophy by shaking the world of design in passed year. Surprisingly that it was not easy to implemen…
extends:http://inthecheesefactory.com/blog/android-design-support-library-codelab At the moment I believe that there is no any Android Developer who doesn't know about Material Design anymore since it officially becomes a design philosophy by shaking…
Use Cypress to test user registration Let’s write a test to fill out our registration form. Because we’ll be running this against a live backend, we need to generate the user’s information to avoid re-runs from trying to create new users that already…