ODB Examples】的更多相关文章

http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/examples.xhtml The following list gives an overview of the examples available in the odb-examples package. Each example is linked to its source code in the repository which also includes a README file with a…
http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/download.xhtml Installing ODB on UNIX Introduction This guide presents step-by-step instructions for installing the ODB system on UNIX-like operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, etc. Before…
Introduction This guide presents step-by-step instructions for installing the ODB system on UNIX-like operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, Solaris, etc. For Mac OS X, first see Installing ODB on Mac OS X. For MinGW/MinGW64 (either directly as past o…
  一,简介 ODB是应用于C++的一个开源.跨平台.跨数据库的对象关系映射(ORM)系统. 它可以让你持久化C++对象到关系数据库,而不必处理表.列或者SQL,无需手动编写任何映射代码. ODB支持MySQL,SQLite,PostgreSQL,Oracle和微软SQL Server关系数据库以及C ++98/03和C ++11语言标准. 它还配备了用于Boost和Qt可选的配置文件,让你可以无缝地使用这些库持久化C++类的值类型.容器和智能指针. 它有易用性,简洁的代码,安全,数据库可移植性…
本文以MySQL数据库为例,其他数据类似. 官方文档和下载 ODB官方首页    官方开发者说明书(开发教程) 安装下载首页(下载与安装教程Windows/Linux) Windows安装步骤(都是英文版,流程虽然详细,但是却略显麻烦,主要是因为ODB的机制造成的) ODB的使用原理 下面介绍ODB的使用原理来说明为什么会有这么多步骤: ODB的架构和流程 (1)你自己定义一个C++的Person类.h/.cpp (2)用安装的ODB Compiler编译Person.h得到新的 必选: MyS…
Xpath in selenium is close to must required. XPath is element locator and you need to provide xpath during selenium test script creation. You need to provide any element locator(like id, name, css path, xpath etc.) in target column of selenium IDE so…
    https://github.com/chenghuige/tensorflow-exp/blob/master/examples/sparse-tensor-classification/     tensorflow-exp/example/sparse-tensor-classification/train-validate.py 当你需要train的过程中validate的时候,如果用placeholder来接收输入数据 那么一个compute graph可以完成这个任务.如果你…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms157328(v=SQL.100).aspx Expressions are used frequently in reports to control content and report appearance. Expressions are written in Microsoft Visual Basic, and can use built-in functions, custom code, glo…
30.5 Examples of MIB Variables Versions 1 and 2 of SNMP each collected variables together in a single large MIB, with the entire set documented in a single RFC. After publication of the second generation, MIB-II, the IETF took a different approach by…
Databinding in Windows Forms demo (CSWinFormDataBinding) /************************************* Module Header **************************************\ * Module Name: MainForm.cs * Project: CSWinFormDataBinding * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. *…
The examples of bootstrap table http://bootstrap-table.wenzhixin.net.cn/examples/ http://www.jq22.com/yanshi467…
It’s pretty common to have multiple tests that are nearly the same. In one app, we support bidding on both online and hammer auctions (auctions with people physically present). They’re separate controllers but with a lot of shared code and behavior.…
http://www.fgm.cc/learn/ First class ,6 examples anlaysisi <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the edito…
LINQ is a cool feature in C# 3.0. Most of the developers are struggling for the syntax and examples. Here I have collected various examples for each operator in LINQ and the equivalent Lambda Expressions. Where IEnumerable<Product> x = products.Wher…
通过示例程序可以看到一些基本组件的使用,对于学习ReactNative是很有帮助的. 编译示例程序需要将整个项目导入到androidStudio中,androidStudio导入项目时选择react-native/ReactAndroid目录. 由于项目依赖ndk因此如果要编译Examples还需要安装配置ndk目录,下载ndk后是一个自解压程序,会释放ndk的目录.然后需要设置环境变量或者在react-native根目录下新建local.properties文件,文件内容如下:sdk.dir=…
http://www.programcreek.com/java-api-examples/index.php?api=javax.servlet.http.Part The following are 20 Jave code examples that show how to use the javax.servlet.http.Part class. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can click …
这里有Surface Shader的一些例子.下面的这些例子关注使用内建的光照模型:关于如何使用自定义光照模型的例子参见Surface Shader Lighting Examples. 简单 我们将会以一个非常简单的shader作为开始,并在此基础上逐渐完善.下面这个shader会把表面颜色置成“白色”.它使用内建的Lambert(漫反射)光照模型. Shader "Example/Diffuse Simple" { SubShader { Tags { "RenderTy…
  1.下载odb-2.4.0-i686-windows,是cpp和sql文件生成工具,已经编译好了,如果下odb-2.4.0估计是未编译好的这个项目:   2.将...\odb-2.4.0-i686-windows\bin添加到环境变量Path,以便能使用odb.exe进行命令生成文件:   3.cmd进入到HelloWorld的person.hxx的同目录,输入odb -d mysql --generate-query person.hxx 生成person-odb.cxx.person-o…
Canvas API Basic Layouts Camera Example Video Widget Example Image Viewer Example Part 6 - Loading and Saving Show in Finder / Show in Explorer Item Views Examples…
ActiveQt Examples Using ActiveX from Qt applications. Animation Framework Examples Doing animations with Qt. Animated Tiles…
Nmap is short for Network Mapper. It is an open source security tool for network exploration, security scanning and auditing. However, nmap command comes with lots of options that can make the utility more robust and difficult to follow for new users…
jose4j / JWT Examples View History JSON Web Token (JWT) Code Examples Producing and consuming a signed JWT Using an HTTPS JWKS endpoint Using JWKs X.509 Something else? (X.509 Certificates at some HTTPS endpoint, maybe) Two-pass JWT consumption Produ…
A cursor acts logically as a pointer into a result set. You can move the cursor through the result set, processing each row, until you determine you are at the end of the result set. There are three types of syntax associated with cursors: creating t…
https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/unwind/#examples http://www.clusterdb.com/mongodb/joins-and-other-aggregation-enhancements-in-mongodb-3-2…
Wicket examples is a good place to learn Apache Wicket by examples, and a must reference site for new or experienced Wicket's developers. In this Wicket examples site, it almost contains all of the usage of the common wicket's components. In this gui…
When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. In fact, once you have mastered the 15 examples that I’ve provided here, you’ll find using command line more enjoyable and fun. 1. Disp…
reference :http://crybit.com/tar-command-usages-with-examples/ The ‘tar’ saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive. It is very useful in such conditions like when we want to send a…