React-Native 开发的项目,Android 方面没有任何问题,IOS 就是无法跑起来,报错信息如下: mac 10.14.4 xcode 10.2.1 error Failed to build iOS project. We ran "xcodebuild" command but it exited with error code 65. To debug build logs further, consider building your app with Xcode.…
刚开始上手RN,碰到很多坑,记录一下.碰到问题多去看看github上面的issue! 启动命令react-native run-ios报错 1.:xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer tool or in PATH 解决方案 sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ 重新跑一下就好了 2.bundlin…
查看cron运行日志 tail -f /var/log/cron 报如下错误: May 8 10:14:01 localhost crond[9399]: (root) FAILED to authorize user with PAM (Module is unknown) May 8 10:14:01 localhost crond[9400]: (root) FAILED to authorize user with PAM (Module is unknown) 网上有如下解决方法: 修…
React Native运行的时候,经常碰到React Native unable to load script from assets on windows解决方法有2种: 方法一:设置IP和端口 具体步骤:报错页面晃动手机,显示菜单 => 点击Dev Settings => 点击Debug server host & port for device => 设置IP和端口(ex:> 点击返回…
Heka 编译安装后 运行报错 panic: runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer 解决办法: 1. Start hekad with the GODEBUG variable exported in its environment: export GODEBUG=cgocheck=0 2. 之后出现如下报错,找不到lua文件 2017/01/16 10:33:38 Decoder 'MemStats-MemStats…
我们在上一篇文章已经解决了把下载好的cas server源码部署到tomcat缺少子项目编辑文件或者jar包导致找不到class报错的问题 单点登录(四)-----遇到问题-----cas server 源码部署tomcat运行报错ClassNotFoundException: org.jasig.cas.CasEnvironmentCo 但是运行时还是报错了 BeanCreationException:Error creating bean with name 严重: Exception se…
转自: docker运行报错docker0: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. 最近在一个新的服务器上装服务,没有安装iptables ,后来安装了iptables 之后,忽然发现我的docker 不能运行了. 注意,可能别人的不行,我这个原因是,开始在新服务器上没有安装iptables ,先安装的docker ,后来才停用默…