One annoying problem I've noticed in the past is that if an exception is thrown in Application_Start() the application does not restart, resulting in subse…
Principle Always declare checked exceptions individually, and document precisely the conditions under which each one is thrown using the Javadoc @throws tag. A well-documented list of the unchecked exceptions that a method can throw effectively descr…
add by zhj: 非常好的文章,异常在Python的核心代码中使用的非常广泛,超出一般人的想象,比如迭代器中,当我们用for遍历一个可迭代对象时, Python是如何判断遍历结束的呢?是使用的StopIteration异常,这点虽然大部分人知道,但如果是让你设计实现Python,我估计一般人不会这样 做.其实异常在Python中使用非常广泛,完全可以代替错误返回码,并不是说有异常不好,这点跟我之前的想法的确不一样,我以前认为异常只是用 来捕获的,很少去raise异常,但自己主动的去rais…
The ideal time to catch an error is at compile time, before you even try to run the program. However, not all errors can be detected at compile time. To create a robust system, each component must be robust. By providing a consistent error-reporting…
JNI Tips In this document JavaVM and JNIEnv Threads jclass, jmethodID, and jfieldID Local and Global References UTF-8 and UTF-16 Strings Primitive Arrays Region Calls Exceptions Extended Checking Native Libraries 64-bit Considerations Unsupported Fea…
The JMSException JMS defines JMSException as the root class for exceptions thrown by JMS methods. JMSException is a checked exception and catching it provides a generic way of handling all JMS related exceptions. JMSException provides the following i… PART 1: GETTING STARTED Introduction and Concepts C# supports parallel execution of code through multithreading. A thread is an independent execution path, able to run simultaneously with other threads. A C# client …
These days there’s a wealth of information about the new async and await support in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. This article is intended as a “second step” in learning asynchronous programming; I assume that you’ve read at least one introductor…
Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 7API Specification This document is the API specification for the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition. See: Description Packages  Package Description java.applet Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the…
准备: 一个谷歌二步验证APP,  我用的是ios 身份宝 资料: 1.Google Authenticator 原理及Java实现   //主要参考 2.谷歌验证 (Google Authenticator) 的实现原理是什么? 3.谷歌验证,又称两步验证, https://www.360shou…